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Advice after the ban


New Member
Sep 27, 2013
First i was banned totaly but after the letter my friend wrote they change to 72 hours. Now i am scared to bot but i dont bot to make a lot of gold just to help me with raids (LazyRaider). when they catch was when i do arheology,
Now need advice can i use for help me with battle in raids and in HC isntances
I know that boting is big risc but...

Thanks in advance and sorry for my bad englsih
I would first start by asking why you don't actually try to get better at the game and play it yourself in dungeons and raids. If all you're doing is typing to your friends while your bot raids for you then why are you paying $15 a month for this game? To me that makes absolutely no sense at all. I get if you enjoy the game when you're not botting, but seriously what's the point if it plays for you on the meaningful / fun stuff?

Anyways, limit how much you bot. Don't run the bot in hardcore dungeons or for archaeology at all. If you absolutely have to then run the bot only for raids. That way to Blizzard it would appear as though you are really trying in raids, but the rest of the game you play casually.

Seriously though, why bot raids and dungeons when they're already so easy? The mechanics are easy to learn, the classes have been dumbed down in WoD and are super easy to play, I can't wrap my head around why you do this at all. The more you use the bot the more suspicious it is.
If you use CR only, join a raid and do the movemet by yourself, blizz will never catch you - but never they never.

Why anyone wants to become better in a video game is beyond me, I enjoy raids as long as the rotation is done by my bot.
I would first start by asking why you don't actually try to get better at the game and play it yourself in dungeons and raids. If all you're doing is typing to your friends while your bot raids for you then why are you paying $15 a month for this game? To me that makes absolutely no sense at all. I get if you enjoy the game when you're not botting, but seriously what's the point if it plays for you on the meaningful / fun stuff?

Anyways, limit how much you bot. Don't run the bot in hardcore dungeons or for archaeology at all. If you absolutely have to then run the bot only for raids. That way to Blizzard it would appear as though you are really trying in raids, but the rest of the game you play casually.

Seriously though, why bot raids and dungeons when they're already so easy? The mechanics are easy to learn, the classes have been dumbed down in WoD and are super easy to play, I can't wrap my head around why you do this at all. The more you use the bot the more suspicious it is.

lol at this. 1st , I bot raided 14/14 hm before the nerf in SoO along with all the other tiers using just the raid bot for my rotation. Why because I can be more aware and do the mechanics and pull top dps / hps. Once you customize your profile it really can't be beat especially as a healer. I honestly wouldn't want to heal with out the bot. I have my cc tuned where I just handle major cool downs and set my limits to what I personally want the rotation to look like. that way I just run around and pop cd's as needed. Now for my alts... Hell I faked how to play them the whole last xpac. I have no clue how to play some classes perfectly , but my bot does. I know where to stand , I know how to dance , it knows how to button smash. Together we are a mach made on the internet!

Last , tuned bot healers are so OP vs a non bot ... for you to even question this well yea.... no one can beat my bot it's a machine.
When i write to blizz they tell me they scan my computer and my memory for cheat programs. and i am scared now. i am old and my reflexes are not good like young people but i love wow.

Thanks all for help with advice i apology for my bad englsih