It's been about 4 months since i started using Adenabuddy, at first there was a dev on discord that said that they are working on new features
now that dev is gone, not logging in any more and no info on discord/forum regarding update's and bugs that the bot has.
I have tried issuing a support ticket 3 times, in all of those time the support staff was completely not helpin, writing back with scripted responses
and avoiding questions, your people are either playing dumb or just doing what the higher staff is telling them "keep them paying and avoid answering any relevant questions"
BossLand fail'd and they wont admit it, Adenabuddy atm is a money grab with too many bugs, i have pay'd over 100$ on keys and will even pay for a monthly subscription
as long as the bots are maintained.
I'm writing this post here since any where i tried writing it i got no response and no help from anybody on the buddy staff.
As of this moment of writing this i have not received a single answer about the current status of the bot. [16/11/2016]
now that dev is gone, not logging in any more and no info on discord/forum regarding update's and bugs that the bot has.
I have tried issuing a support ticket 3 times, in all of those time the support staff was completely not helpin, writing back with scripted responses
and avoiding questions, your people are either playing dumb or just doing what the higher staff is telling them "keep them paying and avoid answering any relevant questions"
BossLand fail'd and they wont admit it, Adenabuddy atm is a money grab with too many bugs, i have pay'd over 100$ on keys and will even pay for a monthly subscription
as long as the bots are maintained.
I'm writing this post here since any where i tried writing it i got no response and no help from anybody on the buddy staff.
As of this moment of writing this i have not received a single answer about the current status of the bot. [16/11/2016]