So I followed all of the instructions. Made an upgrade payment from 1-3 sessions and sent an email to
[email protected] with subject "Upgrade Payment done" and included my 1 session key. When putting in my detail information I included an email that I use for HonorBuddy dealings which is different from my PayPal email. However, I sent the "Upgrade Payment done" via my PayPal email as instructed. I then got an email back from
[email protected] stating that there has been no payment from the email listed in my detail information. Obviously this is the case because of the information stated above. The instructions did not state that my PayPal email must be the same email in my detail information, neither should it matter. Emailing
[email protected] with the same email that made the payment plus the key to upgrade should be all that matters. I would either like for my key to be updated ASAP or be refunded if this is not possible.