I was just wondering, if you would have a second account - not in any way linked to your main account (RAF or SOR), and not linked through name (thus, only by IP-adress). Would it be possible if they ban the second account (the new one), they link it to your main account (the old)?
Does anyone know whether they ban over IP?
I'm thinking about creating a new 'gathering' account, only for small amounts of farming for me and my guild (no gold-selling, major AH transactions, selling,...)
Would that be 'safer' to not risk my main acc to be banned? I'm not willing to sacrifice my main, as I do like to play wow and not only bot it. But farming stuff is boring after all these years and I really need mats to make raid-flasks and such...
A little insight?
Does anyone know whether they ban over IP?
I'm thinking about creating a new 'gathering' account, only for small amounts of farming for me and my guild (no gold-selling, major AH transactions, selling,...)
Would that be 'safer' to not risk my main acc to be banned? I'm not willing to sacrifice my main, as I do like to play wow and not only bot it. But farming stuff is boring after all these years and I really need mats to make raid-flasks and such...
A little insight?