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Account closure: Abuse of the Economy


New Member
Mar 22, 2012
1)Were you using Honorbuddy, Gatherbuddy or both on the account? Gatherbuddy.

2)If so, when was the last time?: Tonight.

3)What profile were you using?: My own private profile / Duck's Double-Zone

4)What combat class were you using? if None Just put Default then the Classname: Tauren Druid: Mining/Herbalism

5)What plugins are you using?: DruidGatherHelper.

6)How many hours per day did you bot for?: 6-12 total but not in one session.

6.5)What honest percentage of time did you supervise your bot? I'm watching my bot 80% of the time, watching series/playing other games on second screen.

7)How many auctions per day did you have?: I used C.O.D only.

8)Did you Use Any Other Bots, Hacks, or Mods? No.

9)Was your account involved in gold selling? No, not yet

10)EU or US realm? EU.

11)Is the banned account a Scroll of Resurrection or an actual paid account? Scroll of ress, I've had it for about 2 months without any problems though.

Account Name: ACCOUNT

Reason for Closure: Terms of Use Violation -- Exploitative Activity: Abuse of the Economy

This account was closed because one or more characters were identified exchanging, or contributing to the exchange of, in-game property (items or gold) for "real-world" currency. This exchange process negatively impacts the World of Warcraft game environment by detracting from the value of the in-game economy.

Even if this is the result of account sharing, the account owner can still be held responsible for the penalty because of the impact it had on the game environment.

I've been botting for more about 2 years now, both Pirox and Honorbuddy but this is the first time I'm being banned.

Should I try appeal and act stupid or? (Recently activated SoR-account, been active for 2 months now)
Playing on 2 different IP's, botting on schoolcomputer and at home, not sure if Blizzard could see this and if I could pretend someone was using my account or not.

When I was banned, I was taking out 69K from my guildbank to go down to ratchet and trade for 60 day gamecard. You think Blizzard reacted at me withrawing that amount and then sending to my level 1? (Never traded the seller, was banned just before)

Not that upset but yeah, any help is appreciated. :)

EDIT: The appeal worked, I'm unbanned. :)
What I wrote:

Hello, I've been unactive on this account for some time now, I played alot before WOTLK but recently started when I heard about the "Scroll of Ressuction".

I bought 1 month gametime and started leveling a new character, it was very fun getting back in the game and I had a really good time leveling it, joining a nice guild and getting lots of gold, maxing my proffesions and things I used to do before my break.

I now tried to log on and it says my account has been banned due to "exploiting the economy"? I was so happy to get back into the game and now this happens, I don't know what to do.. My gametime was about to go out of date and I was going to buy another month because I really liked the new features of the game..

I've been having some troubles logging in sometimes due to "suspicious activity" so I don't know if that means someone else has been using my account? Or what has happened, all I know is that I'm here without a wow account and I'm kinda sad about it, was looking forward to level up more characters and continue playing.
I have checked my virus-program and a few weeks ago I did find a keylogger, that was like 2 weeks ago though and I removed it completly.

Please do something, this must be a mistake, I just got back to playing the game and now I get banned for something I don't even understand the meaning of:
"Exploiting the economy"???? I don't want to lose all my old characters any everything.


Kindly Regards
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Server side scripts seem to be targeting SoR, as they've updated the ban template letter with a question on SoR.
Server side scripts seem to be targeting SoR, as they've updated the ban template letter with a question on SoR.

Yeah, I heard about that.. I will try to appeal, acting like I'm not sure what happened etc. I'll edit with results!
Abuse of economy bans are almost always overturned. I have had 100% of my abuse of economy bans overturned, 0% of my "hacks" bans overturned.
Abuse of economy bans are almost always overturned. I have had 100% of my abuse of economy bans overturned, 0% of my "hacks" bans overturned.

Agreed with this post. Abuse of economy bans are easy to overturn. Usually Abuse of economy bans are some sort of tripwire you hit and its always automated. Everytime Id call blizz about them the CSR guy would be like "I dont know why you were banned. I dont see anything wrong" and they just unban you..lol
I thought phone customer support had nothing to do with account bans, or that what they said to me at least twice when I called them.
The trigger for your ban was the withdraw from bank and trade with chinese guy.

never trade with china?s :) thats rule number one :)
The trigger for your ban was the withdraw from bank and trade with chinese guy.

never trade with china?s :) thats rule number one :)

he didn't even get to trade the gold to the chinese guy... so this is one really weird ban.
What I think happened was, the fact you withdrew money from a guild bank might have flagged you as a chinese who is buying the gold from someone.
Still doesn't make sense to me though. Should be really fucking easy to appeal to be honest.

After a careful investigation of your account closure, we have agreed to remove the permanent suspension of your account from the World of Warcraft servers.

This change has already been put into effect, and your account should again be available for play.

We have also removed your recurring subscription details from the account; you will not be billed again on this card unless you enter the details again manually. Once the current subscription is over, if no further payment details are added, your account will become frozen.

Having investigated the actions taken against this account, I believe this account may have been accessed via a ***** Service.

We appreciate there are circumstances when use of a ***** can be beneficial, however such services are routinely used to attempt to hide the actions of Online Trading companies and users attempting to use exploitative third party programs. As such, we do not support the use of ***** services and if you continue to use these, we regret that this may result in further suspensions placed on your account.

Got it back, I won't probably bot anymore on it but I have put my gold in safe place so it's cool. Thanks for giving me some info, this is the first time I got banned.
Good to hear, Ducks. Your profiles are great and didnt want to lose someone who contributes to the community.
1)Were you using Honorbuddy, Gatherbuddy or both on the account? Gatherbuddy.

2)If so, when was the last time?: Tonight.

3)What profile were you using?: My own private profile / Duck's Double-Zone

4)What combat class were you using? if None Just put Default then the Classname: Tauren Druid: Mining/Herbalism

5)What plugins are you using?: DruidGatherHelper.

6)How many hours per day did you bot for?: 6-12 total but not in one session.

6.5)What honest percentage of time did you supervise your bot? I'm watching my bot 80% of the time, watching series/playing other games on second screen.

7)How many auctions per day did you have?: I used C.O.D only.

8)Did you Use Any Other Bots, Hacks, or Mods? No.

9)Was your account involved in gold selling? No, not yet

10)EU or US realm? EU.

11)Is the banned account a Scroll of Resurrection or an actual paid account? Scroll of ress, I've had it for about 2 months without any problems though.

I've been botting for more about 2 years now, both Pirox and Honorbuddy but this is the first time I'm being banned.

Should I try appeal and act stupid or? (Recently activated SoR-account, been active for 2 months now)
Playing on 2 different IP's, botting on schoolcomputer and at home, not sure if Blizzard could see this and if I could pretend someone was using my account or not.

When I was banned, I was taking out 69K from my guildbank to go down to ratchet and trade for 60 day gamecard. You think Blizzard reacted at me withrawing that amount and then sending to my level 1? (Never traded the seller, was banned just before)

Not that upset but yeah, any help is appreciated. :)

Could you copy and paste what you wrote for appeals? or send me a private message I am 0/4 on appeals right now and I really need this appeal for the last account that was banned.. I have way too much gold in it lol, your inbox is full by the way
Could you copy and paste what you wrote for appeals? or send me a private message I am 0/4 on appeals right now and I really need this appeal for the last account that was banned.. I have way too much gold in it lol, your inbox is full by the way

Nothing really special is needed to be said in an appeal for Abuse of Economy. The 1 thats hard to overturn is "hacks"
Good to hear, Ducks. Your profiles are great and didnt want to lose someone who contributes to the community.

Thanks, I'm not sure what to do at the moment but we'll see. I will still be around, thinking about traiding gold for new game keys.. :)
Glad to hear that duck, i've been banned last week, botting using gatherbuddy and using your profile :D, but that not the case i think. Blizzard banned a lot people that use GB2 i think, because all my acc that banned were banned when they farmed herb and ore. the other one that levelling is safe.

The trigger for your ban was the withdraw from bank and trade with chinese guy.

never trade with china?s :) thats rule number one :)

and this is nonsense, i've sell hundred times to them..never get any problem
Glad to hear that duck, i've been banned last week, botting using gatherbuddy and using your profile :D, but that not the case i think. Blizzard banned a lot people that use GB2 i think, because all my acc that banned were banned when they farmed herb and ore. the other one that levelling is safe.

and this is nonsense, i've sell hundred times to them..never get any problem

Yeah I've seen more gather-accounts banned this week. Not talking about a banwave but I think leveling is less risky.

I didn't even get the time to trade him btw, got banned right before. :)