Hi, i seem to get the same message every time i am banned.
Reason for Closure: Terms of Use Violation -- Exploitative Activity: Abuse of the Economy
This account was closed because one or more characters were identified exchanging, or contributing to the exchange of, in-game property (items or gold) for "real-world" currency.
This exchange process negatively impacts the World of Warcraft game environment by detracting from the value of the in-game economy.
Is this a generic ban message for everything? I haven't gotten a bots/3rd party software message in a very long time and ironically i haven't sold gold in a long time either yet
they keep sending me this one.
Would this be a clear indication that they have my shit on lockdown and my CC / IP / accounts have been linked and flagged?
I'm not sure what to do at this point. I have quite a lot of profiles that i have written to farm specific niches, however i'm hesitant to risk the time and resources to start more batches up
and have them banned shortly after.
My current gameplan:
1) stop using all CCs and previous payment methods -> go entirely with gamecodes or cards
2) stop activity on all old accounts to prevent linking
3) switch over to a new Motherboard/CPU + hardrive with fresh wow installation
4) use a ***/***** and ditch the old IP, however if they are looking at physical addresses for linking, what good is this step?
There are people that swear by ***s and some experienced botters that say it doesn't make a difference.
5) 1 account per bnet maximum
6) RAF: is it worth the time saved? I'm going to keep trying RAF with the next 10 or so accounts
7) 2 5 man dungeon buddy groups to 90
8) farm away -> send stuff to frozen mule account
9) wait a longer period of time before selling gold -ideally 1 month / use a different IP or even a different PC to do this
any other suggestions?
Reason for Closure: Terms of Use Violation -- Exploitative Activity: Abuse of the Economy
This account was closed because one or more characters were identified exchanging, or contributing to the exchange of, in-game property (items or gold) for "real-world" currency.
This exchange process negatively impacts the World of Warcraft game environment by detracting from the value of the in-game economy.
Is this a generic ban message for everything? I haven't gotten a bots/3rd party software message in a very long time and ironically i haven't sold gold in a long time either yet
they keep sending me this one.
Would this be a clear indication that they have my shit on lockdown and my CC / IP / accounts have been linked and flagged?
I'm not sure what to do at this point. I have quite a lot of profiles that i have written to farm specific niches, however i'm hesitant to risk the time and resources to start more batches up
and have them banned shortly after.
My current gameplan:
1) stop using all CCs and previous payment methods -> go entirely with gamecodes or cards
2) stop activity on all old accounts to prevent linking
3) switch over to a new Motherboard/CPU + hardrive with fresh wow installation
4) use a ***/***** and ditch the old IP, however if they are looking at physical addresses for linking, what good is this step?
There are people that swear by ***s and some experienced botters that say it doesn't make a difference.
5) 1 account per bnet maximum
6) RAF: is it worth the time saved? I'm going to keep trying RAF with the next 10 or so accounts
7) 2 5 man dungeon buddy groups to 90
8) farm away -> send stuff to frozen mule account
9) wait a longer period of time before selling gold -ideally 1 month / use a different IP or even a different PC to do this
any other suggestions?