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A returning customer - Where to start?


Jan 8, 2013

I used to bot Diablo 3 fairly lot back in the RMAH days.
Back then, I was multiboxing WoW but not botting, per se, although I was fairly curious on HB and how it all worked.

Last night, I finally got myself a HB license, fired it up with my old multiboxer account.
Over few hours I got my Goblin Mage to lvl 10 by using the 1-110 Mega Pack. Without heirlooms, progress felt slow, but I don't know if it was due standard free CR I was using, the starting zone of Goblins or something else.
Anyway, I fired it up again today for a while and many of the quests seemed to be too complex for the profile to handle (a lot of vehicle based quests, walking through hordes of zombies you could avoid but bot kept fighting them and dying, not dodging spells in elite fights etc).

So I took a break and started wondering if my race / class selection was off, if there are plugins I'm missing / could use.
Now bear in mind, I'm totally green when it comes to HB, having only barely figured out the basics.

My setup is 1 PC, 1 session, 1 account.
The main goal is to level cap few toons on said account and start farming dungeons / gathering professions to make that dough.

What race should I bot, does it matter?
What class should I bot, does it matter?
Has the pre-patch rendered questing near impossible with current profiles?
Should I wait for final release to sort out the pre-patch issues?
Am I missing some useful addons / plugins?
Do I need to configure something in HB itself to maximize efficiency of questing profile?

1.not important
2.all :)
3.questing is still posible with some errors but they are working hard on that(i leveled one toon to 67 in the last two days..almost without errors,sometime just helping the bot) don't go afk anyway
4.for sure..the final release will be better than now
5.check the buddy store for plugins or addons..choose what you like the most and try it
6.no, just use as mch as possible less plugins and addons and use singular rotation for questig
don't try to bot now..wait for HB update because Blizz just hit the game with a ninja patch :)
As for 3, I can tell you that I've started a new DK and from 55 to about 72 was pretty smooth. There was some hardcore sticking in Fjord that I had to manually fix, but after that everything so far has been smooth.

The biggest difference from when you were around is the addition of the store, which provides auto updated profiles and addons. The leveling pack is now free on the store, for example, and will keep itself updated. You can basically install it, click the store button, apply the profile, and hit start. Not a lot of manual intervention required anymore unless you want that.
The biggest difference from when you were around is the addition of the store, which provides auto updated profiles and addons.

Still, though, for generic leveling are there any recommended or personal favorites people have found useful?
I just feel, I don't know, naked, by running a bot with the default CR and the free 1-110 leveling profile.
Feels like there's so much more to this.

I glanced at free plugins earlier and majority seems outdated (probably cause of the store addition).
On the other hand, I'm conflicted if plugin / profile X is worth e.g. 30€.
Still, though, for generic leveling are there any recommended or personal favorites people have found useful?
I just feel, I don't know, naked, by running a bot with the default CR and the free 1-110 leveling profile.
Feels like there's so much more to this.

I glanced at free plugins earlier and majority seems outdated (probably cause of the store addition).
On the other hand, I'm conflicted if plugin / profile X is worth e.g. 30€.

A lot of the plugins on the forums still work, however you may have to tinker with some of them. As far as products on the store, generally you can try them before buying. If I were you I'd wait to try some of them until your toons can effectively use them. Starting out without heirlooms will definitely take some time but once you get rolling in the gold you can starting buying them for your next toons. Keep in mind those are bind on account now so even if anything happens to your account, they should persist to a new one as long as it's on the same bnet account. You shouldn't need to many things past default for now.
A lot of the plugins on the forums still work, however you may have to tinker with some of them. As far as products on the store, generally you can try them before buying. If I were you I'd wait to try some of them until your toons can effectively use them. Starting out without heirlooms will definitely take some time but once you get rolling in the gold you can starting buying them for your next toons. Keep in mind those are bind on account now so even if anything happens to your account, they should persist to a new one as long as it's on the same bnet account. You shouldn't need to many things past default for now.
Appreciate the honest and straight forward answer (you being a store developer and all).
Sounds like I'm set then, after all.

About BattleNet account, are you essentially saying no matter how many permbans (god forbid) I would get on one bnet account, I could keep on stacking the WoW licenses and play without a hitch?
Appreciate the honest and straight forward answer (you being a store developer and all).
Sounds like I'm set then, after all.

About BattleNet account, are you essentially saying no matter how many permbans (god forbid) I would get on one bnet account, I could keep on stacking the WoW licenses and play without a hitch?
No worries, I'm here to help. It can be pretty rough starting out with little resources but you'll build them and it will get better.

As far as bnet goes, essentially yes that's what I mean, however I think there is a limit on how many WoW licenses you can hold on the bnet account. They are now doing suspensions instead of perma bans however if it comes to the point where too many get permabanned, I believe you can have them removed to make more room.

Just keep at it, ask thought out questions, and try things out, we'll be here to help with the rest.
Appreciate the honest and straight forward answer (you being a store developer and all).
Sounds like I'm set then, after all.

About BattleNet account, are you essentially saying no matter how many permbans (god forbid) I would get on one bnet account, I could keep on stacking the WoW licenses and play without a hitch?

I believe you are capped at 8 licenses per B-net account unless they have changed this recently
Just note that every few months HB gets detected / mass banned, so your accounts need to be 100% throwaway. even without banwaves accounts that farm dungeons for gold almost never last past a month.

questing for leveling has always worked fine for me (with some manual intervention), but there may be bugs now do to prepatch

I've made all my gold on WoD via herbs and ore. For some reason (outside of banwaves), there were no bans for this, while in MoP i lost a ton of accounts farming nodes. This only really kicked in once Tanaan with felblight and flying opened up. without flying Gatherbuddy is a nightmare.

keep all your gold in guildbanks or you will lose ever last copper after a suspension
Appreciate the feedback.

Right now I'm running a single botting account with one HB session.
My game plan here basically is to hopefully get one toon to level cap and from next month's salary start up a 2nd botting account within the same bnet account as battle chests, subs and HB all cost. :>

Realistically speaking, botting with minimal downtime (due HB downtime or other RL downtime), how long roughly speaking would 1-110 take?
My Undead Rogue's playtime is ~2h and he just hit level 10 now. Now, this of course as mentioned before, is without RAF, heirlooms, XP potions or anything like that.

And once I do hit the level cap, to increase my account's survival odds, what is somewhat safe to farm? So I could get established first (depositing gold in gbank and all that) before it being axed.
Nothing it's really safe to farm if you are talking about gold
Question about multiple HB sessions.

Currently, you can only get 2 sessions with Legendary Buddy and 3 sessions with HB 1yr license.
As I'm starting out - currently have 1 Month / 1 Session license - I'm not ready to go all in with 1yr license just yet. Would it work if I got myself an extra 1 Session - 1 Month license?
For the curious, I figured out the last dilemma I had.

As for the new one, I'm currently running 3 bots all under one BattleNet account.
My question is, is it a suicide wish to legitimately play on your main BattleNet account and do whatever, whilst bots run rampant on the background?

Multitasking at its finest, and would love to do this, but if it jeopardizes my main account in any shape or form I wouldn't do it.
Basically my question is has someone done this and has your main account been flagged/banned for whatever reason when otherwise its completely unrelated to your botting accounts?
Just note that every few months HB gets detected / mass banned, so your accounts need to be 100% throwaway. even without banwaves accounts that farm dungeons for gold almost never last past a month.

questing for leveling has always worked fine for me (with some manual intervention), but there may be bugs now do to prepatch

I've made all my gold on WoD via herbs and ore. For some reason (outside of banwaves), there were no bans for this, while in MoP i lost a ton of accounts farming nodes. This only really kicked in once Tanaan with felblight and flying opened up. without flying Gatherbuddy is a nightmare.

keep all your gold in guildbanks or you will lose ever last copper after a suspension

Has anyone ever botted on an account without ever being suspended/banned?
Has anyone ever botted on an account without ever being suspended/banned?

When I botted in wotlk, cata yes. I also botted on the first weeks of mop/wod on my main without problems. Nowadays I think its alot more riskier.
Micro transactions... everywhere!!! :) just kidding it has evolved into a better botting solution.
Hey, maybe someone else mentioned it but I just want to mention that it's not flawless right now with the questing. I did some questing *right after* 7.0.3 hit and I had problems nearly every single day. Some quests isn't working at all, some aren't getting turned in etc. I'm not blaming anyone, HB team is working very hard to get everything to work so I understand that this isn't #1 priority right now. Anyway, I thought I should let you know.

I prefer leveling druids because of flight form, healing capabilities as dps is nice as well.