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A player who sells 1200 stacks of 20 of Pyrite - lol


New Member
Aug 26, 2011
This morning a player was spamming in the trade channel "WTS 1200 stacks of pyrite!". I whispered him incredulous and he confirmed "yehh, 1200 stacks of 20!" <.<

Seriously, people must be ass holes to pretend botting and selling such numbers all at once (if they don't want to be banned ofc)! I mean, what's your guess on when this guy will be reported too many times not t12o be noted by Blizzard? I mean, 24000 pyrite ores are impossible to gather but in months, playing regular.

Incredible, but real! What do you think about?
That is ridiculous amounts, he should of sold his supply much before he had that much.. But, yeah, he actually would be safe if he just sold to people directly, and avoided the Auction House. :D
Well, I was once perma-banned for selling Frost Lotus stacks privately via COD, on the same server (abuse of economy). I told I wasn't logging from a month or so, fortunately I was botting via a proxy.
Well, I was once perma-banned for selling Frost Lotus stacks privately via COD, on the same server (abuse of economy). I told I wasn't logging from a month or so, I was botting from a proxy.

From my experiences, posting large amounts of items on the AH, OR selling those large amounts through COD, will both effectively get your account flagged (seeing as blizzard monitors the AH and mailbox). Also, worth noting, this will happen also if you do this from a level 1 character. IMO, it helps to just go level your mule up to level 5 or so (easily done with kick's 1-5 profile if you CBA to do it yourself). It seems, from my experiences, a lvl 1 toon will get flagged MUCH easier than a non-lvl 1 toon.
Well, I was once perma-banned for selling Frost Lotus stacks privately via COD, on the same server (abuse of economy). I told I wasn't logging from a month or so, fortunately I was botting via a proxy.

yeah if you cod large amounts you can get banned as well, it's stupid

i did it once and i told blizz to F off and they unbanned me because what I do is my own damn business, not theirs
He could have just bought it all from the AH for really cheap and wants to sell it... So you dont know for sure that hes a botter.
yeah if you cod large amounts you can get banned as well, it's stupid

i did it once and i told blizz to F off and they unbanned me because what I do is my own damn business, not theirs

Pics or it didnt happen..... D:
He was probably saving up for months for the new gems then found out they wont come from pyrite. Thats what happened to me and I sold all mine. I have one account GB farm all the time and it just mails it to my main account. Been doing this since I've had HB.
Doesn't have to be a botter at all....

A lot of people thought that prospecting Pyrite would get you Epic gems in 4.3. Blizz decided not to go that way and now a lot of people have way more Pyrite then they can handle.
I'm just happy I baled that market when prices were still at 150-200G per stack. My server those stacks now go for 65-75G.
Doesn't have to be a botter at all....

A lot of people thought that prospecting Pyrite would get you Epic gems in 4.3. Blizz decided not to go that way and now a lot of people have way more Pyrite then they can handle.
I'm just happy I baled that market when prices were still at 150-200G per stack. My server those stacks now go for 65-75G.

Lol on outland EU there going for like 20g a stack.
i sell so mutch elementium ore to a private buyer each 2 3 days u dont wanna know how mutch i sell without getting a ban^^ i sell them for 25g a stack because he always buy from me evrynight for 10k 20k or evry 2 nights
Doesn't have to be a botter at all....

A lot of people thought that prospecting Pyrite would get you Epic gems in 4.3. Blizz decided not to go that way and now a lot of people have way more Pyrite then they can handle.
I'm just happy I baled that market when prices were still at 150-200G per stack. My server those stacks now go for 65-75G.

Do you realize "1'200" bags slots? It's not human possible to achieve that, it's a rare spawn out of elementium! I can't believe a china-farmer (I'm sorry chineses, but it's from China where true farmers come) stays day and night farming elementium, sell it ASAP and save pyrite... where, in 2 or maybe 3 guild banks?
Do you realize "1'200" bags slots? It's not human possible to achieve that, it's a rare spawn out of elementium! I can't believe a china-farmer (I'm sorry chineses, but it's from China where true farmers come) stays day and night farming elementium, sell it ASAP and save pyrite... where, in 2 or maybe 3 guild banks?

Your assumption is flawed, it could be a auctioneer that was stockpiling the ore for 4.3 and was storing the pyrite in the mail box of a mule. Those are just 100 mails a 12 stacks.
Do you realize "1'200" bags slots? It's not human possible to achieve that, it's a rare spawn out of elementium! I can't believe a china-farmer (I'm sorry chineses, but it's from China where true farmers come) stays day and night farming elementium, sell it ASAP and save pyrite... where, in 2 or maybe 3 guild banks?
I'm a casual farmer, running 1 toon about once or twice a week and at some point I had 100 stacks. If I'd been running 3 tunes every night it wouldn't have been hard to get 1000 stacks.
And as said; people playing the auction house could've easily gotten 1200 stacks.