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its not really a log but i use the addon WIM (wow instant messaging) when you recive a whisper it will play a alarm sound and it pops up like a IM and it stays on your screen all night so when i get up in the morning you can see who msged you and what they had to say, pretty sure its avaialbe on curse and wow interface
its not really a log but i use the addon WIM (wow instant messaging) when you recive a whisper it will play a alarm sound and it pops up like a IM and it stays on your screen all night so when i get up in the morning you can see who msged you and what they had to say, pretty sure its avaialbe on curse and wow interface
nice never knew that.... and no WIM does not log ur whispers in anyway so if WOW crashes your just shit outta luck, i have my comp hooked threw a stereo with the volume up full so if your afk botting but are still home it is a handy little tool to know when someone has send you a tell