Script seemed good at first
cpu usage very low.
performance very fast.
killed a lvl 85 horde and stold a mine deposite and a herb.
stays at the edge of map, do avoid lots of mobs.
----the bad news...
the bot loops in all 4 corners of the map something like this @ so it wastes like 1 to 3 minutes .
i think i noticed 2 more spots in the center of the top and bottom of the hellfire map.
---- really bad confuseing news---- that made this script bad
started at the dark portal.
bot flew sort of down .. started going left...
left to the end of hellfire
then up///right/ was near the dark portal again...
started going down right... so the bot does a circle around the map... i thought that was cool well... i was about to go afk and let the bot run..
all the sudden the ground turned gray.. then purple
IT did 1 perfect circle around the map.. goes to do circle # 2.. directly from the dark portal it starts flying down and slightly left.... and flys into shadow moon valley.
==== if your not afk and start noticeing that its going down too far.. stop the bot and starting the bot over again fixes the problem.
2ed time i tryed it... it did the same thing...
in 30 to 45 minutes
i collected 142 fel iron ore, so i mean its a pretty good script, besides that going to shadowmoon valley thing.
here is a picture of where it went.
Green loop around 1.
black loop around 2.
as you can see in picture # 2... the bot goes here in shadowmoon... and keeps trying to go down into the darkness.