They're currently problems with NavMesh will doesn't let me learn spells in Dalaran and then return back to the farming place, which means I can't provide the 1-click 1-85 with customizations like buying mounts etc... in the future I will code a plugin which loads different profiles such as buying mounts and other cool stuff.
1-60 Should be a 1-click, make sure to use the following plugins;
1. BlacklistIt (evading mobs which definitely exist in Western Plaguelands)
2. DeleteIt (deletes all the low level rubbish when you're level 60)
3. Talented - to automatic select your talents (can't find thread...)
4. AutoEquip2
5. StuckHelper
6. Anti-Drown (Optional)
7. AutoPrecision (Optional)
8. BuddyCenter (Optional)
9. CutPurse (Optional)
10. declineAll (strongly recommended)
11. Mr. ItemRemover (recommended because of quest items)
12. Use Healing Potions (Optional)
You need to use Custom Class: Singular
Please note that this is for the Dwarf race BUT you can bring any race into the dwarf area and click start... and go afk for 5 days.
Please also make sure you use ARelog (for disconnects), ReplyToIt (to reply to whispers with smart replys, use these AIML files with ZNFK).
Also make sure to join a level 25 guild with over 500 members, preferable one that allows anyone to invite members so it's always full of guild members! (they're more positives than negatives as to why you should)
I can make this a 1-click 1-85 when the bot understands where to return to, hopefully it will be updated by the devs so that everyone can enjoy this.
If you're in the US then you must only bot for a maximum of 6-10 hours per day to avoid the auto-ban script, although I'm not sure the exact hours that you can win on appeal, if you're very scared then I would personally only bot 6 hours per day... this means that if you're banned you will win your appeal and continue botting because they look for people who spend over 12 hours a day grinding which isn't possible, you will be considered a false positive because of the amount of hours you were on per day.
EU can bot 24/7... recommended to be offline if online for more than 48 hours in case of reports.
Any problems you run into that's a mesh issue, please provide a log to the nav mesh issues thread... the more the logs the faster these nav issues will be fixed and the faster I can make a true 1-click 1-85 grinding.
These profiles do not do any quests.
Last Updated: 25/02/2012
1-60 Should be a 1-click, make sure to use the following plugins;
1. BlacklistIt (evading mobs which definitely exist in Western Plaguelands)
2. DeleteIt (deletes all the low level rubbish when you're level 60)
3. Talented - to automatic select your talents (can't find thread...)
4. AutoEquip2
5. StuckHelper
6. Anti-Drown (Optional)
7. AutoPrecision (Optional)
8. BuddyCenter (Optional)
9. CutPurse (Optional)
10. declineAll (strongly recommended)
11. Mr. ItemRemover (recommended because of quest items)
12. Use Healing Potions (Optional)
You need to use Custom Class: Singular
Please note that this is for the Dwarf race BUT you can bring any race into the dwarf area and click start... and go afk for 5 days.
Please also make sure you use ARelog (for disconnects), ReplyToIt (to reply to whispers with smart replys, use these AIML files with ZNFK).
Also make sure to join a level 25 guild with over 500 members, preferable one that allows anyone to invite members so it's always full of guild members! (they're more positives than negatives as to why you should)
I can make this a 1-click 1-85 when the bot understands where to return to, hopefully it will be updated by the devs so that everyone can enjoy this.
If you're in the US then you must only bot for a maximum of 6-10 hours per day to avoid the auto-ban script, although I'm not sure the exact hours that you can win on appeal, if you're very scared then I would personally only bot 6 hours per day... this means that if you're banned you will win your appeal and continue botting because they look for people who spend over 12 hours a day grinding which isn't possible, you will be considered a false positive because of the amount of hours you were on per day.
EU can bot 24/7... recommended to be offline if online for more than 48 hours in case of reports.
Any problems you run into that's a mesh issue, please provide a log to the nav mesh issues thread... the more the logs the faster these nav issues will be fixed and the faster I can make a true 1-click 1-85 grinding.
These profiles do not do any quests.
Last Updated: 25/02/2012
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