Hello everyone 
I've been lurking around on this webpage for some time, and can't find the answers i want!
So here are my questions!
1. Does HB Work in the latest patch of the game? / World of Warcraft 4.3
2. Is HB working as intended?
3. For PvP Honor Grinding - What are the options? What does my char do? ''Does it run around in circles, or actually doing things that look realistic. ''for instance: Using spells in correct order''
4. Random BG working option?
Anyhow, this looks like a pretty good bot - I just want to know that it's working before i buy the package!
And adding a Tip or link would be much appreciated!
Thanks for reading!
Edit: Really sorry if this is in the wrong forum! <3

I've been lurking around on this webpage for some time, and can't find the answers i want!
So here are my questions!
1. Does HB Work in the latest patch of the game? / World of Warcraft 4.3
2. Is HB working as intended?
3. For PvP Honor Grinding - What are the options? What does my char do? ''Does it run around in circles, or actually doing things that look realistic. ''for instance: Using spells in correct order''
4. Random BG working option?
Anyhow, this looks like a pretty good bot - I just want to know that it's working before i buy the package!
And adding a Tip or link would be much appreciated!
Thanks for reading!

Edit: Really sorry if this is in the wrong forum! <3