1)Were you using Honorbuddy, Gatherbuddy or both on the account?
Gatherbuddy2: Nagrand mining Profile
2)Which version (and Beta or Release)?:
the newest Version, which automatically loads.
3)If so, when was the last time?:
27 April 2015: 9.30
4)What profile were you using?:
free Nagrand Profile mining from Buddy store
5)What combat class were you using? if None Just put Default then the Classname:
Hunter: Beastmaster
6)What plugins are you using?:
7)How many hours per day did you bot for?:
stopped botting the night before around 2. Was batting for 4 hrs.
Started botting again around 9 this morning
8)What honest percentage of time did you supervise your bot?
9)How many auctions per day did you have?:
1-5. Most of the time no auctions. I am using the farmed stuff for my other toons
10)Did you Use Any Other Bots, Hacks, or Mods?
11)Was your account involved in gold selling?
12)EU or US realm?
13)Is the banned account a Scroll of Resurrection or an actual paid account?
paid account
Additional information
- I am using cyber ghost to shape my location/IP
the selected country was Ireland. And that location was used for the last 2-4 Weeks.
- I guess botting in battle grounds may have caused the ban, as I was booting all night long for several days (last week) while being off during the day.
Gatherbuddy2: Nagrand mining Profile
2)Which version (and Beta or Release)?:
the newest Version, which automatically loads.
3)If so, when was the last time?:
27 April 2015: 9.30
4)What profile were you using?:
free Nagrand Profile mining from Buddy store
5)What combat class were you using? if None Just put Default then the Classname:
Hunter: Beastmaster
6)What plugins are you using?:
7)How many hours per day did you bot for?:
stopped botting the night before around 2. Was batting for 4 hrs.
Started botting again around 9 this morning
8)What honest percentage of time did you supervise your bot?
9)How many auctions per day did you have?:
1-5. Most of the time no auctions. I am using the farmed stuff for my other toons
10)Did you Use Any Other Bots, Hacks, or Mods?
11)Was your account involved in gold selling?
12)EU or US realm?
13)Is the banned account a Scroll of Resurrection or an actual paid account?
paid account
Additional information
- I am using cyber ghost to shape my location/IP
the selected country was Ireland. And that location was used for the last 2-4 Weeks.
- I guess botting in battle grounds may have caused the ban, as I was booting all night long for several days (last week) while being off during the day.