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72hr ban + some ideas


New Member
Nov 5, 2013
1)Were you using Honorbuddy, Gatherbuddy or both on the account? HB a little bit, was using GB alot a while back but not recently.

2)Which version (and Beta or Release)?: release

3)If so, when was the last time?: last time i used GB had been at least 2 weeks ago

4)What profile were you using?: last profile i used was a grinding profile at for lvl 89

5)What combat class were you using? if None Just put Default then the Classname: default brewmaster

6)What plugins are you using?: none

7)How many hours per day did you bot for?: 6-12 (varied from day to day)

8)What honest percentage of time did you supervise your bot? very little. i'd run it while i slept or when i was at work

9)How many auctions per day did you have?: 0

10)Did you Use Any Other Bots, Hacks, or Mods? 0

11)Was your account involved in gold selling? no

12)EU or US realm? us

13)Is the banned account a Scroll of Resurrection or an actual paid account? paid

Was suspended for 72hrs just got it lifted and really want to pick it up again but I'm just playing legit atm. I've been playing for years and don't want to lose the account, but honestly the things I'm botting for are just plain boring and that's why I'm botting.

I played several toons up to 90, then got RaF and got every other class to 80 (including my bank alt, rofl). I'm botting to get the rest of my toons up to 90 since I can't stand leveling anymore. I want to fill my bank alt's guild bank full of mats but farming that many, especially with such low proc rates on prospecting, etc it's insanely slow and boring. I'm not farming rares to sell, not ruining the economy, just getting exp and getting mats for personal use (if I need a bold primordial ruby, all I have to do is get on my jc, go to gbank, pull it out, cut, mail) So I don't feel like what I'm doing is harming WoW in any way and therefore, it shouldn't warrent a ban/suspension.

Also, since this has been my only account (excluding the RaF that I purchased and have since discontinued) and I've had this account for years, if blizz bans me, I won't be returning. I've put far too many manual hours into the game to absorb the loss and start over anew. As I said, the reason I'm botting is because leveling is boring, farming is boring, etc. I love raiding, I love arenas, I don't use CRs to do anything for me; I play what I enjoy doing. But Blizz makes it so that you have to do the boring things in order to get anywhere and that seems wrong. Not everybody likes doing 200 dailies every day for 6 months straight...so let the guy who enjoys that do it and let us bot it.

Basically, to summarize what I'm saying is:
1) Consider what we're actually doing with the bots. If we're just using a CR because we're too lazy to hit the rotation ourselves...is that really a problem? If we're farming mats up and putting all of them in our own personal guild bank...is that really a problem? If we're farming mats for 24 hours a day and crashing the economy and then using our gold to sell to other people for real-world money...that's a problem. Botters have to pay for their accounts as well.

2) People who don't bot 100 accounts for 24hrs/day (you get my point) are real people. We play these accounts too, some of us have played for years. If we get banned and lose the botted hours PLUS the manual hours, we may not return (and remember that we pay moneys). Some of us turned to botting because of the boring grind and the bots makes it easier to deal with so why would we get banned and come back?

Just my thoughts on botting. Sorry for rambling, I'm sort of rushed atm XD
Honestly this sounds like somebody reported you when you where grinding at night. Its either a player reporting you or you where grinding the same spot for over 6 hours and you triggered warden.