Hi, i know this is place to report bans for using honorbuddy, but I didn't know where else to type this.
I got suspended for 72hours even though iv'e never used any hacks on this account, and havent used any hacks in past 1 year or longer. The reason was "Hacks".
I appealed it, and they said that evidence is correct and they wont remove suspension. This is ridicilous, because i haven't used any bots on this acc at all. All I did was farm mobs with potion of luck by hand.
I made another appeal because this is just a joke that they can ban for nothing and claim that iv'e been botting.
I got suspended for 72hours even though iv'e never used any hacks on this account, and havent used any hacks in past 1 year or longer. The reason was "Hacks".
I appealed it, and they said that evidence is correct and they wont remove suspension. This is ridicilous, because i haven't used any bots on this acc at all. All I did was farm mobs with potion of luck by hand.
I made another appeal because this is just a joke that they can ban for nothing and claim that iv'e been botting.