To the op : This ^^ 100 %
Ot: I dont get some of you, you get permanent, you appeal, it gets turned into 72 hours, you dont appeal no more.
Hb is undetected, they dont know what you did but they see some strange things happening on your account.
If you appeal a perma, and it gets turned into 72 hours, and you are like.. cool story.. ill wait... you show em you
did something wrong, cause you dont appeal the 72 hours one. If your so certain you didnt do a thing, wich you tell
them in the first place, then also appeal that 72 hours, preferably by calling them. Even if its not working out, make
sure you show em your a unhappy customer cause you didnt do a thing. You really think they will open a thorough
investigation on your account cause you appeal, lmao... thats what they allready try to convince you they did in the
first place, thats why you got banned.
Imo, appeal all, even tho it might be worthless, you still show em your not happy with what they did, dont appeal and
you give em another card cause you prolly know you did something wrong.
This might be different for those with 5-10+ accounts, but single accounts, deffo worth it!