just got banned on 1 account for questing bot. other account on same bnet was untouched, and boted at same time. other 6 accs were also boting (at same time) and also not touched.
had about 1-2 auctions a day
i bot for 24/7 on all accounts and not going to change it
i do not waste much time for my security and every player who would take a look on my armory will know i am a bot
i was not at home when it happened so i can not say if he did not run in a wall maybe (yes he do it sometimes, and yes i let him 24/7)
did not got email with reason yet. maybe its not even for boting.
since it is a suspention and no ban i think it is 72h but can not say for 100% yet
acc was involved in goldselling. over 1mil gold over guildbank
also sendet from the other wow acc on this bnet every day about 20k on this acc
after ban will run out i will wait about 1 week b4 i keep boting on this acc
greetings and have a nice day
edit: got email
Battle.net Account Name: <>
World of Warcraft Account Name: WoW1
Account Action: Suspension (72 Hours)
Circumventing normal game mechanics has a negative impact on the game experience of other customers.
Type of Violation: Exploitation
Category of Violation: Third Party Program
Character Name Involved: <>
did not known boting=exploiting but i do not even have last warning lol
just got banned on 1 account for questing bot. other account on same bnet was untouched, and boted at same time. other 6 accs were also boting (at same time) and also not touched.
had about 1-2 auctions a day
i bot for 24/7 on all accounts and not going to change it
i do not waste much time for my security and every player who would take a look on my armory will know i am a bot
i was not at home when it happened so i can not say if he did not run in a wall maybe (yes he do it sometimes, and yes i let him 24/7)
did not got email with reason yet. maybe its not even for boting.
since it is a suspention and no ban i think it is 72h but can not say for 100% yet
acc was involved in goldselling. over 1mil gold over guildbank
also sendet from the other wow acc on this bnet every day about 20k on this acc
after ban will run out i will wait about 1 week b4 i keep boting on this acc
greetings and have a nice day
edit: got email
Battle.net Account Name: <>
World of Warcraft Account Name: WoW1
Account Action: Suspension (72 Hours)
Circumventing normal game mechanics has a negative impact on the game experience of other customers.
Type of Violation: Exploitation
Category of Violation: Third Party Program
Character Name Involved: <>
did not known boting=exploiting but i do not even have last warning lol