Reporting in!
2x 72h ban on 2/3 different accounts botted from different IP's, same Server, both using Kickz/GB2/Grind/BgBuddy/BgBot (with anti Stuck, ShutUpAIML and LogMeOut).
I wasnt able to login first cause of an wrong pw, both Acc's had mails saying a pw reset was requested (not by me
?!?!), so I requested a new one and after resetting the pw's I got 72h suspended on both - Reason: Hacks.
I ran HB with HBRelog for about 12-18h/day, 4-6d/week(stats from the past month).
LogMeOut set to trigger pretty fast + kill HBRelog (didnt trigger often since there wasnt going on much, most of the times).
Legit Gametime. Legit Accounts, both older than 5 years.
GB2 not longer than 4h straight.
BG's not longer than 2h straight, observing most of the times, at least the early times when my little one isnt in the top damage/heal or mageclass (cause everyone wants something to eat or a portal -.- every day, all the time).
Grind not longer than 1-2h straight, farming most of the times.
Switching between Questing, GB2, BG's, Grind on different chars.
No strange AH undercuts, sold stuff in /2 sometimes, stacked a lot of expensive stuff, had 2-3 AH/Sale-days per week.
Everything 1-90, 2x
A lot of Farming
Sold about 1m (no sales this year)
Hunter 1-90
Mage 1-90
Warrior 1-90
Shaman 1-90
Druid 1-90, 2x
Rogue 85-90, 2x
Paladin 80-90
Lots of Gold so far, sold nothing
Recently played:
Acc1 Druid, Farm - Mage, BG/Arena - DK Twink for lvl80 PvP
Acc2 Druid, Farm - Warrior, BG/Arena - Mage Twink for lvl80 PvP
Acc3 looks pretty similar to Acc2 although it is SoR(bought) and not banned/suspended yet.
Low gold trades between Acc1-Acc2-Acc3 (below 5.000).
First 72h bans this year to me.
Last year 2 of my Accounts got permbanned, no appeal, both SoR + RAF Gametime.
History of RAF Gametime.
I have the feeling another botter tracked and reported me down, but It might be paranoia.
2x 72h ban on 2/3 different accounts botted from different IP's, same Server, both using Kickz/GB2/Grind/BgBuddy/BgBot (with anti Stuck, ShutUpAIML and LogMeOut).
I wasnt able to login first cause of an wrong pw, both Acc's had mails saying a pw reset was requested (not by me

I ran HB with HBRelog for about 12-18h/day, 4-6d/week(stats from the past month).
LogMeOut set to trigger pretty fast + kill HBRelog (didnt trigger often since there wasnt going on much, most of the times).
Legit Gametime. Legit Accounts, both older than 5 years.
GB2 not longer than 4h straight.
BG's not longer than 2h straight, observing most of the times, at least the early times when my little one isnt in the top damage/heal or mageclass (cause everyone wants something to eat or a portal -.- every day, all the time).
Grind not longer than 1-2h straight, farming most of the times.
Switching between Questing, GB2, BG's, Grind on different chars.
No strange AH undercuts, sold stuff in /2 sometimes, stacked a lot of expensive stuff, had 2-3 AH/Sale-days per week.
Everything 1-90, 2x
A lot of Farming
Sold about 1m (no sales this year)
Hunter 1-90
Mage 1-90
Warrior 1-90
Shaman 1-90
Druid 1-90, 2x
Rogue 85-90, 2x
Paladin 80-90
Lots of Gold so far, sold nothing
Recently played:
Acc1 Druid, Farm - Mage, BG/Arena - DK Twink for lvl80 PvP
Acc2 Druid, Farm - Warrior, BG/Arena - Mage Twink for lvl80 PvP
Acc3 looks pretty similar to Acc2 although it is SoR(bought) and not banned/suspended yet.
Low gold trades between Acc1-Acc2-Acc3 (below 5.000).
First 72h bans this year to me.
Last year 2 of my Accounts got permbanned, no appeal, both SoR + RAF Gametime.
History of RAF Gametime.
I have the feeling another botter tracked and reported me down, but It might be paranoia.
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