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72 hours ban with GB2 and NOT AFK


New Member
Jan 21, 2013
1)Were you using Honorbuddy, Gatherbuddy or both on the account?


2)Which version (and Beta or Release)?:


3)If so, when was the last time?:


4)What profile were you using?:

Migdals Ghost Iron Ore profile (at the ban moment), Kicks questing pack

5)What combat class were you using? if None Just put Default then the Classname:

default - Druid

6)What plugins are you using?:


7)How many hours per day did you bot for?:

6-8 hours

8)What honest percentage of time did you supervise your bot?

100 %

9)How many auctions per day did you have?:


10)Did you Use Any Other Bots, Hacks, or Mods?


11)Was your account involved in gold selling?
i bought some a few months ago, but i dont think blizz got this. it was one time with about 40k

12)EU or US realm?


13)Is the banned account a Scroll of Resurrection or an actual paid account?

paid account, second day


just got banned for 72 hours because of using a third party programm.


- I used Gathererbuddy2 with an Ghostiron Ore Profile by Migdal
- HB was running about 1 hour in this session and with GB2, yesterday and today I only used Questing Bot before
- I was NOT AFK. I was sitting the whole time ingame and was writing with my guild members, i always do this and watch some TV, so im never afk when using any bots
- I was running the full HB in Germany with an Saudi-Arabian ***** with about 120ms latency ingame

Ill try to speak with blizzard, this is my first time ever being banned for this. I had this bot and this profile running a few months ago for 3-4 days all day long (ok there i was afk) for farming and nothing happened.

EDIT: Ill speak to them if the website comes back up. -.-

So long

Sorry guys, im actually not in the mood to write perfect english ^^
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Most likely due to gatherbuddy. I advise anyone reading this who is botting with gatherbuddy to be wary of the high ban chance.

Sorry for your loss.
Dude, migdal's ghost iron ore profile is extremely popular, i see the bot trains all the time there, and I see normal players targeting them and reporting. Stay away from that one, it's the most obvious route used by botters.
Hi you two,

thanks for the answer, i didnt notice that. I just thought someone was pi**ed of because i was faster at his nodes. But i really can understand this because Migdals profile is one of the best ive ever seen. I got in this hour about 29 and a half stacks of ore.

So what do u think, this is my first ban. How save is it when they delete it today ( i hope so, normally u have to ask blizzard twice and they'll kiss your feet) to use: 1. gatherbuddy with an other profile for farming leather e.g., 2. kicks questing stuff and 3. all other bots i didnt tried out yet like dungeonbuddy or sth like this. Do u have any tips for me, or any profile tips? Any tips to avoid bans like only farming in the night^^

Let's see what uncle blizzard says, ill report the results here
Hi you two,

thanks for the answer, i didnt notice that. I just thought someone was pi**ed of because i was faster at his nodes. But i really can understand this because Migdals profile is one of the best ive ever seen. I got in this hour about 29 and a half stacks of ore.

So what do u think, this is my first ban. How save is it when they delete it today ( i hope so, normally u have to ask blizzard twice and they'll kiss your feet) to use: 1. gatherbuddy with an other profile for farming leather e.g., 2. kicks questing stuff and 3. all other bots i didnt tried out yet like dungeonbuddy or sth like this. Do u have any tips for me, or any profile tips? Any tips to avoid bans like only farming in the night^^

Let's see what uncle blizzard says, ill report the results here

I would just advise you stop botting completely on that account and take the 72 hour. Your account will be flagged and closely monitored from now on. If you are caught botting again then you'll be given a harsher ban i.e. permanent.
I would just advise you stop botting completely on that account and take the 72 hour. Your account will be flagged and closely monitored from now on. If you are caught botting again then you'll be given a harsher ban i.e. permanent.

Yeah, i just thought the same, too. I think its the best from now if i stop botting with this account and create a new one which might be safer, just to help my main account with some gold ^^

Thanks for the replies, stay tuned ^^
Yeah, i just thought the same, too. I think its the best from now if i stop botting with this account and create a new one which might be safer, just to help my main account with some gold ^^

Thanks for the replies, stay tuned ^^

Just becareful transferring gold on the same IP address as it may be tracked back to your original account's history of botting.

Just becareful transferring gold on the same IP address as it may be tracked back to your original account's history of botting.


Well m8, im using the tool proxifier for using hb in germany. Unfortainly i have to play wow over this server in saudi arabia, too. But this is good, so i can transfer my gold via a guildbank or face 2 face from an saudi arabi ip adress to a german ip adress :3
Here u have the full answer from Blizzard after 6 hours. I explained them that i was not botting and sitting in front of my pc all the time. I asked them why they think that i was using a bot. (Unfortainly I only have the answer on german) :

Diese Maßnahme wurde in Übereinstimmung mit unseren Nutzungsbestimmungen zu World of Warcraft und In-Game-Bestimmungen (In-Game and Forum Policies - Battle.net Support) getroffen, welche von allen Spielern vor Spielbeginn akzeptiert werden müssen. Diese Bestimmungen und Bedingungen ermöglichen es uns, allen unseren Spielern eine spaßige und sichere Spielumgebung zur Verfügung zu stellen.

Die Battle.net-Nutzungsbestimmungen können Sie unter Blizzard Entertainment: Battle.net Terms of Use einsehen. Weitere Informationen zu den verschiedenen Accountstrafen erhalten Sie hier: https://battle.net/support/article/200475

Wir betrachen diese Angelegenheit nun als abgeschlossen und werden weitere Anfragen zu diesem Thema nicht beantworten.

The last scentence is a scentence that makes me feel very very very angry. I pay for this game every month and they WONT answer more quesion to this topic. Well Blizzard.. U challenged the wrong Sn0w(1)man.....
Well m8, im using the tool proxifier for using hb in germany. Unfortainly i have to play wow over this server in saudi arabia, too. But this is good, so i can transfer my gold via a guildbank or face 2 face from an saudi arabi ip adress to a german ip adress :3

Should be all fine :) If you want to have that tiny bit of extra reassurance I'd put the gold farming account on a VM as it'll have a different computer name / local ip.
Hi, I gonna write in german, thats much easier for the threadstarter.


Du bist also dunkle Wege genagen und hast Mächte aus Saudi Arabien genutzt ;-) Schon klar. Das könnte aber der Springende Punkt sein. Lief deine gesamte Internetverbindung über die Saudis also auch Wow? Falls ja, ist das der Grund der Sperre. Vor allem wenn du einen kostenlosen Dienst genommen hast. Denn den nutzen auch tausend andere Goldhändler über die selbe IP. Blizz sieht nur, dass du über die selbe Leitung reinkommst wie Accounts die bereits gesperrt sind und sperrt dich automatisch. Selbst wenn du nicht bottest und so einen Dienst benutzt wirst du gesperrt! Ist mir auch schonmal passiert. Falls wirklich dein Wow auch über die Saudis lief, musst du ein Ticket aufmachen und schreiben dass du eine Email bekommen hast, dass dein Account gesperrt sei, du aber garnicht weisst wiso und dass du andauernd so suspekte Emails bekommst dass du die Sicherheit deines Account überprüfen sollst blablabla. Dann sollte der schlaue GM denken, dass dein Passwort gephised wurde und dein Account gehackt, da er ja sieht, dass du aus Deutschland kommst und nicht aus Arabien und entsperrt deinen Account und du musst nur noch ein neues Passwort wählen.

Wenn du natülich schreibst, dass du nicht gebottet hast und alles von Hand gespielt hast blablabla dann gibst du zu, dass du einen Pr--o-xx-y benutzt hast, was gegen die Blizzard NuBs verstösst und bekommst deinen Account auch nicht zurück.
