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72 hours ban, after years of botting


New Member
Aug 12, 2012
Hi people,

todays my first ban after over 5 Years of botting. It hurts but I take it as a man.

I am not really sure what that means for my botting behavior, because I normally bot with 5 acc at a time. Even when my account was banned the other 4 where running. Can I
expect Blizzard them to ban to? IMPORTANT I need advice, that would be very appreaciated. They got my ip should I change it ? I want to bot further with my 4 accs or should I stay calm for the next weeks with my accounts. Can be the ban also a conseqense of raf time ?

1)Were you using Honorbuddy, Gatherbuddy or both on the account?
Honorbuddy doing BG

2)If so, when was the last time?:
I was AFK starting the bot at 15:00. The email I ve got is received at 19:42.

3)What profile were you using?:
Normal BG

4)What combat class were you using? if None Just put Default then the Classname:

5)What plugins are you using?:
Standart, Autoequip .., nothing special

6)How many hours per day did you bot for?:
5 Hours a day. At max 10 hours

6.5)What honest percentage of time did you supervise your bot?
Today was the first day I didn't supervise it

7)How many auctions per day did you have?:
0 on this Account. It is to farm and mail it to main acc.

8)Did you Use Any Other Bots, Hacks, or Mods?

9)Was your account involved in gold selling?

10)EU or US realm?

11)Is the banned account a Scroll of Resurrection or an actual paid account?
I paid RAF time for this account, first time maybe this could be an faktor too.


Leider m?ssen wir Sie davon in Kenntnis setzen, dass gegen Ihren Account eine Strafma?nahme verh?ngt wurde. Bitte lesen Sie weiter, um Details zu diesem Vorfall zu erfahren:

Battle.net-Accountname: XXXXX
WoW-Accountname: WoW1

Getroffene Ma?nahme: 72h Sperrung

Das Umgehen der normalen Spielmechaniken hat schwerwiegende negative Auswirkungen auf den Spielspa? anderer Spieler.

Art des Versto?es: Ausnutzung
Kategorie des Versto?es: Drittanbieter Programm zur Automatisierung von Spielabl?ufen
Charaktername: XXXXX

Wir bedauern diesen Schritt, sind jedoch ?berzeugt davon, dass er im besten Interesse der World of Warcraft-Community und der Integrit?t des Spiels liegt.
Beachten Sie, dass dieser Vorfall bei der Festlegung etwaiger Konsequenzen f?r Ihren Account ber?cksichtigt wird, sollte er noch einmal in Verst??e gegen unsere Bestimmungen verwickelt sein. Dies kann weitere Warnungen, vor?bergehende Accountsperren oder eine vollst?ndige Schlie?ung des Accounts zur Folge haben.
Hinweis: Nach Auslaufen der Sperre m?ssen Sie in das Spiel einloggen, um den Status Ihres Accounts in der Accountverwaltung zu aktualisieren.

Wenden Sie sich f?r weitere Informationen oder Einsicht in unsere aktuellen Bestimmungen an:

Mit freundlichen Gr??en,

Gamemaster Kundendienst
Blizzard Entertainment Europe

How is this ban affecting the botting with my other accounts ?

Nobody knows the truth, because that needs a response from blizzard, but I am sure there are people multibotting and these people are asked how they handle this situation.
we have replaced logic with the newest dev build ... next official release will have much better BGBot'ing experience ... but still, if you involve yourself with a lot of other real players in close proximity and you're that 1 idiot who doesn't read chat, they'll report u - bot or not
Hey kick thanks for your comment.

I want to ask, if you were in my situation imagine 5 bot accs one of them banned, would you straight away bot with your other 4 accs. And what with the banned acc maybe flagged ? Your oppionion is very much appreciated.
Hey kick thanks for your comment.

I want to ask, if you were in my situation imagine 5 bot accs one of them banned, would you straight away bot with your other 4 accs. And what with the banned acc maybe flagged ? Your oppionion is very much appreciated.

Nobady cant answer you that. Just relax and let it be! Do become like me. So I'm stuck. I work dailys, caping valors, doing fucking legendary 6k valors ( I convinced myself if I do not take a week 1000 valors will be suspicious if someone looked at it in the meantime ). And that is for 3 accounts. Dont do that! Just keep farming and avoid BG just dont use that acc for week or two. Other gona be fine I guess.
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we have replaced logic with the newest dev build ... next official release will have much better BGBot'ing experience ... but still, if you involve yourself with a lot of other real players in close proximity and you're that 1 idiot who doesn't read chat, they'll report u - bot or not

*In a nutshell*. :)