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72 hour suspension ......


New Member
Oct 18, 2012
Very odd. All I use is a combat routine.

I got a private PM from one another user here who has the same 72 hour ban and all he was using was a combat routine.

I appealed and lost that as well "An additional review of the action has been completed. We have confirmed our initial findings, and the action will not be reversed or changed."

I could care less if people think I did something that I shouldn't have been doing.

But if only and very strictly using a combat routine for aprox 20 hours a week while raiding is wrong, I'm seriously worried about others.

US account, I have no gathering abilities and I never leave the keyboard. I use Tyreal and Fury Unleashed. I have to do all movement myself. I never ever do BG or Arena.

I would love for someone to explain to me how I am supposed to use Honorbuddy going forward after the suspension cause I sure have zero clue what I did
No, I do not BG or Arena or World PVP ... not really fun. All I do is like I said, raid 20+ hours a week. Mostly 10 man heroic.

There are other 72 hour suspensions popping up. What's going on?
What is going on? You could post your log file and post what blizzad said to you in the mail.

But combat routine isent that the thing where it dose all you spells for you, you just need to move? if so. they can probberly see it on your CPU useage that you botting, Blizzard bannes alot atm, cause they can see your acterly not at your pc :P correct me if im worng
I could assume, you got backstabbed from someone in your guild etc, who knows you are using CC for the raids. Someone who feel offended somehow - you beat him on the meters, he get benched because of you or something similar.

I really doubt Bliz can detect any kind of CC, simply because any botbase and any 3rd party bot use CCs! If that was true, virtually thousands of accounts will get penalty and the forums will simply blow!
imtakinusrs - I really hope youre right. I would rather this be an isolated incident rather than a lot of other people being punished via bans or suspensions.

I have a great relationship with my guild and have had for a long time. I would be surprised if someone turned on me or even if they could even possibly remotely know. It seems far fetched this idea of yours but who really knows?

We are a small tightly knit guild. I seems impossible that this is really the reason I got the suspension.
There have been recent discussions of CC's just doing things "too fast to be human", e.g. like interrupts within milliseconds of the attackers spell being cast. The general consensus is that Blizz may now be alerting on spell-casts that are impossibly fast even for the most caffienated finger-twitching arena players. However I believe the CC's in question were updated a while back to add a small degree of randomness into just how quickly they respond.
Oh that is an interesting point you bring up about interrupts that I personally debunked. I played a rogue for many years with usb kick pedal controller. I can interrupt just as fast as the routine does.

It's also easy to anticipate when a spell is going to be cast in most cases, that coupled with a usb kick pedal and fast reaction time one can send out an interrupt amazingly fast
That's really weird, but being on a Hardcore Guild is a way to get backstabbed from guildie, I mean, that's the typical stereotype of player that will snitch on you because they hate to be surpassed by someone that is cheating. How good do you score on the DPS charts on the raids? Does any one on your guild knows? That point raised by G?pies is completely reasonable for some HB's reactions are way to robotized to be executed, and your USB Pedal example is a rare case that I believe 1% of WoW Players think of, since is a high-profile resource for a top performance on the game.

If they start banning for Combat Routines WoW will be finally over for me (just came back from a 3 month hiatus) because I don't like to handle the routines myself, that's mostly the only thing I use HB for too, and some char leveling.

At least you got 72h, stay away from the bot for a while and try to setup your routines the way they look more human, leaving some basic controls to you so you will generate that randomness required and even miss some of the CCs, that's what I do!
hard to really say for certain.

But, I think I know why I was banned. Past use of PQR. These forums give me the answer I wanted. Had it been this program that failed me and allowed me to be detected, there would have been a hell of a lot more people on these forums complaining.

The handful of people that got 72 hour suspensions is more in line with those few, myself included that turned to PQR when HB was down in the past for an evening or a handful of days.

advice, never use PQR. I was warned not to and I didn't listen.
Ah, that's a new variable on the equation, but what makes you think PQR is that vulnerable, the routines themselves or the bot implementation method? Thanks for the discussion, helps to improve our senses over the using the bot.
Oh that is an interesting point you bring up about interrupts that I personally debunked. I played a rogue for many years with usb kick pedal controller. I can interrupt just as fast as the routine does.

It's also easy to anticipate when a spell is going to be cast in most cases, that coupled with a usb kick pedal and fast reaction time one can send out an interrupt amazingly fast

I have no doubts you can interrupt like a demon, but probably not exactly one or two frame-ticks after a spell-cast starts (16-32 ms), every time, without fail. Even people with lightning reflexes cannot respond to stimuli much faster than 100ms, and there is lots of academic research around eye-to-foot reaction times that have proven it to be significantly longer.

If i were Blizz and I was out to catch botters, the first thing I would do is measure how quickly spell-casts are being performed and how consistently they are. If something is performing spell-casts with framerate accuracy *every time* the odds are they've either replaced their keyboard/mouse with a USB-to-Brain connection, or they're a bot. :O)
Well it wasn't PQR ... I checked over there and nothing. I sent an reply to the other guy that PM'd me that was also given a 72 hour ban and he never touched PQR he says let alone another bot.

So it's something I did, an addon, Blizz did to give me this suspension.

If it was PQR, then I might go back to PRQ for my dps rotation until a few new versions of HB comes out.
Well it wasn't PQR ... I checked over there and nothing. I sent an reply to the other guy that PM'd me that was also given a 72 hour ban and he never touched PQR he says let alone another bot.

So it's something I did, an addon, Blizz did to give me this suspension.

If it was PQR, then I might go back to PRQ for my dps rotation until a few new versions of HB comes out.

How many guildies knew you used a bot?!
How many guildies knew you used a bot?!

Well.. in tombot's case he can't play properly without a rotation bot. I will let him say the reasons for this

I have taken up the interrupt discussion with many other devs, and for the future.. all interrupts will be handled with at least 1 second delay. And to be safe on the next expension pack, we will be using Spell Casting Id list again and not check if it's interruptable through LUA.
As I said in the PMs, I've never used PQR and our situations are the same. In addition, 2 more cases have popped up that show the same pattern as ours.

I said several times my theory was combat routines causing bans for "hacks". What Alxaw said about interrupt timers is highly possible.
i dont think its from PQR , i play every day with PQR since 1 year ! in arena bgs rbgs , but i adjust the interupt to random delay mind 1 second , and only importent SPELLS to interrupt like poly frog chaos bolt etc not every single cast

hope this can help
Yea its not PQR, i switched to PQR after my 72h suspension, been playing with it 1 week, no bans yet.
Im not a hardcore raider, but still i will be very careful, because if i lose my account and start all over,, it means i would start wrathions quest for legendary cloak again to be able to be competitive in raids. And that would take months.
Since a few of you have mentioned PQR. Can someone help me with an excellent routine to use with PQR? For Arms / Fuiry? This is only a TEMP solution for a week or two until things calm down. Out of respect for Fury Unleashed, I would ask if you did have information to help me, you send me it in a private tell. I will never abandon Fury Unleashed as I'm the one who named the routine. I have a huge amout of respect for Nom, Alx and this thread.

I am just rattled right now and I have to raid in the next few days. I'm looking for a private Fury / Arms PQR rotation