You never bot on this account apart from using Tyreal and Tuanha cc .?
Never, No GB2,Dungeonbuddy,bgbuddy.. the only thing ive ever used on this account was Tyreal and Tuanha Cc's for PVP / LFR / Random dungeons and i run with 0 plugins.
The only other thing i can think of that happened was maybe i got flagged for doing too many random heroics.. In 2 days i farmed a xmog jp set for my pally. But i of course was controlling the char, typing and looking perfectly normal.. the cc was just doing the healing while i was maneuvering him.
now on a completely seperate account i've used GB2 to mine saronite,cobalt n such but that has been months ago and wouldn't reflect this ban.
EDIT: I also want to add this account was leveled by hand with my brother , recruit a friend.. we also played together to 90 by hand after 80
Im just really trying to figure out how they got me.. If anyone has any suggestions why id gladly like to hear them so i can prevent this from happening again. Also do you think i should still be using the botbase and profile anymore? Am i now FLAGGED? Should i just sell this account and start over or what
this is the response after my appeal
Hey there!
An additional review of the action has been completed. We have confirmed our initial findings, and the action will not be reversed or changed.
We understand that you may still have concerns regarding the action, but we must reiterate that it was taken to address a violation of the Terms of Use and End User License Agreement (
Blizzard Entertainment:Blizzard Legal Documentation), which all players accept before logging into the game.