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72 hour suspension today (Bliz watching BG's)


New Member
Jan 3, 2013
1)Were you using Honorbuddy, Gatherbuddy or both on the account? Honorbuddy

2)If so, when was the last time?: This morning

3)What profile were you using?: BGbuddy

4)What combat class were you using? if None Just put Default then the Classname: Default Paladin

5)What plugins are you using?: Autoequip

6)How many hours per day did you bot for?: 8 ish

6.5)What honest percentage of time did you supervise your bot? 100%

7)How many auctions per day did you have?: 0

8)Did you Use Any Other Bots, Hacks, or Mods? No

9)Was your account involved in gold selling? No

10)EU or US realm? EU

11)Is the banned account a Scroll of Resurrection or an actual paid account? Paid

Strange thing about it was, I was botting on a character via questbot for the entire time up until the bot got stuck on a quest in Kun Lai (I am remoted in from work so cannot do the quest manually) and since I am 1 bar from leveling, I stuck on BGbuddy, about 5 minutes into the BG, BOOM! Suspended. So, I think they are watching BG's

This is to inform you that action has been taken against your account. Please read on for further information about the action taken, and more details regarding the reason:

Battle.net Account Name: X
World of Warcraft Account Name: X

Account Action: Suspension (72 Hours)

Circumventing normal game mechanics has a negative impact on the game experience of other customers.

Type of Violation: Exploitation
Category of Violation: Third Party Program
Character Name Involved: X

While we regret to take this type of action, we have determined it to be in the best interests of the World of Warcraft community as a whole, and for the integrity of the game.

Please note that should any further violations of our Rules and Policies occur, this incident will be taken into consideration when determining the consequences for your account. This could include further warnings, account suspension or account termination.

Also note, you must log into the game after the suspension has expired to update the status of the account shown on your Account Management page.

For further information, or to review our current Rules and Policies, please refer to:


Game Master
Blizzard Entertainment

- - - Updated - - -


Would apprechiate some help with an appeal <3
So you watch your bot 100% of the time 8 hours a day? You quest bot a well known area, join a bg and think the bg was the cause of the suspension? I have about 10 more of these I can add, but I think you get the idea.
If you was stuck on a quest maybe someone was following you and watched you for a while, he reports you bliz see you botting.
Yes I watch my bot 100% of the time, as I *** to my desktop from work and have it open on my second screen at work.

The bot was not "stuck" in terms of running into a wall, but rather, the caravan escort quest where you need to manually do it as the bot cannot move with the caravan.

And yes, I do think it was the BG that caused the ban, cause I have never had an issue with the questbot, as I monitor it whenever it is on, if it gets stuck I can usually unstick it. When there are quests that need to be done manually, I usually stop the bot and go home for lunch to do it. This time it would seem I made the mistake of jumping into a BG.
If you was stuck on a quest maybe someone was following you and watched you for a while, he reports you bliz see you botting.

Get out of here with your obvious logic! BGbuddy is detected, game over man game over. I was personally running gatherit mining herbs in jade forest for only like 10-12 hours a day. Today I had just finished a little longer stretch than usual (36 hours farming) and joined a BG to look more human. Within 5 minutes of joining the bg BOOM BANNED. It has to be detected, I even missed out on the 20000+ auctions I put up prior to joining the BG :(
I got a 72h ban strictly for questing, never gotten banned before either, been botting for months.
got a 72H for bg botting.
something is crazy atm
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Hey guys,

I really guess they are watching the BGs since this morning. I bottet about 10h a day when i was working for about 2 weeks. Questing and bg. But also i played with my main character arena and so on like a usual player.

Tonight i wanted bgbuddy to run my second toon through bgs. It was in about 15 games and and at about 6 am wow got a disconnect and ban.

As some other got a 72h ban too i guess they rly watch it. Slow down bg botting
So unless they are watching BG Bot personally then I would say dont use it. I never use BG Bot since it is crap and about 70% of players are Bots in BGS, Bliz could be randomly looking at BGS and just banning the guys who do the same thing.
Since i was banned to i think the bot software itself has been detected ? ... i was banned after 4-5 mins in the game after starting the bot and all the bot did was picking up a few quests then flying to the quest area, it got banned in the air on the mount before it even started questing
Step #1 - Fire up BGBuddy, and join the other 50% of people running bots in BG's.
Step #2 - Bot hours and hours on end with no break in said BG's, mindlessly botting in endless bot-trains.
Step #3 - Piss off actual human-controlled BG'ers, and get reported.
Step #4 - Blizz GM takes 10 secs out of his/her day to observe your bot, issues ban for botting.
Step #5 - Shocked botter reports to forum here and declares "BLIZZ IS ON TO US!!!"
Step #6 - Get mocked and ridiculed for claiming bot-detection when oversatuation of botters in BG's is the actual problem.
Step #1 - Fire up BGBuddy, and join the other 50% of people running bots in BG's.
Step #2 - Bot hours and hours on end with no break in said BG's, mindlessly botting in endless bot-trains.
Step #3 - Piss off actual human-controlled BG'ers, and get reported.
Step #4 - Blizz GM takes 10 secs out of his/her day to observe your bot, issues ban for botting.
Step #5 - Shocked botter reports to forum here and declares "BLIZZ IS ON TO US!!!"
Step #6 - Get mocked and ridiculed for claiming bot-detection when oversatuation of botters in BG's is the actual problem.

lol. +1.

Did you guys had a look at BGBuddy when it runs ? There's several BGs where BGBuddy is sooooo easy to spot. I'm even surprised there isn't more bans. Have a look at what happens when Isle of Conquest starts ... It's quite funny to see all bots stuck together. Same for Eye of the storm where all BGBuddy bots go same side. Etc. When you see that, you understand the issue : I spotted up to 70-75% of the toons being bots in some matches ...

BGBuddy is so predictable in most BGs, you should not cry being fired for using it.
Should just put up a sticky with the big disclaimer: If you get banned, it's entirely your fault.
Should just put up a sticky with the big disclaimer: If you get banned, it's entirely your fault.

And your the one saying too me that, BG Bot is detected. Your just another kid on the forum, think before you speak

Its good that more BG Botters are getting banned, I dont BG due to that same reason. Its god dam annoying when you play bg's for real but about 80% are bots. Why would you run BG Buddy if you see another 6+ people doing it in AB or EoTS. Like I said ages ago BG Buddy is crap they need to create a whole new system for it.

So all in all if you get banned from botting in bgs, its your own fault and not honorbuddys.
Such bg buddy haters !! U annoy me, nothing wrong with bg buddy play rbg only if you don't like it

it's the best thing since sliced bread! You got ban because u got caught plain and simple.
Since i was banned to i think the bot software itself has been detected ? ... i was banned after 4-5 mins in the game after starting the bot and all the bot did was picking up a few quests then flying to the quest area, it got banned in the air on the mount before it even started questing
If any part of the Honorbuddy would be "detected" there will be huge enough banwave, you will not miss out!
So the answer is no - BGBuddy is not Detected, characters are being reported and there is server side scripts being triggered for autoban in certain areas etc.