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72 Hour Suspension...for LazyRaider?


New Member
Jun 13, 2013
1)Were you using Honorbuddy, Gatherbuddy or both on the account? HonorBuddy at the time of suspension

2)If so, when was the last time?: 8/2/13

3)What profile were you using?: No profile at the time - was using LazyRaider and ran two heroics and Sha

4)What combat class were you using? Singular

5)What plugins are you using?: Other than the standard that come with HB, LogMeOut.

6)How many hours per day did you bot for?: On the day in question, LazyRaider for about 2 hours. The weeks prior to that, about 1-3 hours a day tops. About 50/50 of that fishing/LazyRaider

6.5)What honest percentage of time did you supervise your bot? 30%

7)How many auctions per day did you have?: averaged about 5 a day.

8)Did you Use Any Other Bots, Hacks, or Mods? No

9)Was your account involved in gold selling? No

10)EU or US realm? US

11)Is the banned account a Scroll of Resurrection or an actual paid account? Paid account.

Came home from work, used LazyRaider to run two heroics, hearthed to VotFW, did Sha and left to go to dinner. Came back and my account was suspended:

Account Action: 72 Hour Suspension
Reason for Action: Terms of Use Violation -- Exploitative Activity: Unauthorized Cheat Programs ("Hacks")

This suspension happened because one or more characters on this account were identified using an unauthorized cheat program, also known as a "hack.". These programs provide character benefits normally not achievable in the World of Warcraft. Such benefits include, but are not limited to, increased speed, teleportation, or running through walls/boundaries. Use of these unauthorized programs harm the game environment because they offer an unfair advantage over other players and superscede the intended limits of the game.​

Have only been botting for about a month and a half to two months. Leveled a Paladin using Kick's. Got him to 90 about two-three weeks ago. Didn't really use GM2 - only used for about 1 hour each on three separate toons using three separate profiles gathering three separate things (herbs on one, ore on another, skinning on the third). Didn't like the performance on the bots used for dailys, so was pretty much just using LazyRaider for the occasional heroic, and some fishing using AutoAngler (maybe 1-1.5 hours a day for about 3-4 days out of any given week).

Appealed, denied (basically they copied the same language from their ban email). Sent another letter, pointing out that they hadn't even told me what cheat I allegedly used, and that it was virtually impossible to mount a cogent appeal without such information (imagine being pulled over by a cop and told "I'm writing you a ticket for a moving violation I say you committed some time in the past...I won't tell you what the specific violation was, nor when you allegedly committed it, but you are welcome to try and fight it in court [snickering]", and got this from Blizz:

We apologize that we won't be able to divulge the information which we used to come to this conclusion because it would also divulge internal tools which we are not permitted to discuss with the public.​

My observations, for what they are worth, and I am certainly no expert. It seems clear to me that they have gotten pretty good at detecting LazyRaider or other routines like it. Seeing more and more ban reports here about it. Alot of people talk in terms of "botting smart." I don't see that playing out any different, IMO, reading the boards. I see people banned using LazyRaider. I see them banned using GB2 with an without randomization, using GatherBro, and Randombuddy. I see them banned using only private profiles or public. I see them getting banned not gathering at all, gathering a little, or gathering a lot; not auctioning at all or running 40-50 auctions a day. The only pattern that I can see is that if Blizz decide for whatever reason to look into what you are doing, they can easily and reliably determine you are botting. Not sure where I go from here bot-wise. This is my main account, so will probably not do it again at least for the foreseeable future. Will rethink at next expansion. But I didn't really bot to gather, so not much point to starting another account to bot on. Best of luck to everyone out there.
i use lazyraider with many toons since many years and no ban....
same for questing, reach 90 for many toons with kick profils and no ban !
same with gb2 with many toons (just run 1h30 for each) and no ban !
surely player report (interrupt to fast, you talk same time you fight, etc etc....)
You were clearly autobanned. I could not guess how you triggered autoban, indeed, but detected by CC like lazyraider only is very unlikely.

I could suppose the trivial reason again - you have accumulated enough reports in the last several weeks, which could trigger this autoban. The using of leveling profiles, fishing and dailies could drag attention of haters, indeed, but I doubt lazyraider is noticable in pve.
That you have used LazyRaider extensively with no ban is, IMO, evidence of nothing. Reading these boards, you see time and again people who botted with GB2 for the first time and were suspended, and people responding to such posts saying that they have used GB2 extensively for years with no ban/suspension. And I have heard others float the "interrupt speed" theory as to LazyRaider, but I have to say that after having played WoW for some 6 years now, I do not remember a single instance where I made any note of the speed of another player's interrupt, unless they missed it. In my opinion that theory is a red herring for the truth, which is that we just don't know and/or understand HOW they are detecting these things, but if they want to they can.
It is certainly confusing as to how LazyRaider could be detected. And obviously no one has any way of knowing what activity, and how recent the activity, that may have caused a ban/suspension. But just reading posts in this forum from just the last month A LOT of people saying that it is happening. And those reports are increasing in frequency.
I was hit with 72 hour ban also for manual moving but running fighting in BG's... guess if it players reporting its the fact of instant distrupt or something..
Have only been botting for about a month and a half to two months. Leveled a Paladin using Kick's. Got him to 90 about two-three weeks ago. Didn't really use GM2 - only used for about 1 hour each on three separate toons using three separate profiles gathering three separate things (herbs on one, ore on another, skinning on the third). Didn't like the performance on the bots used for dailys, so was pretty much just using LazyRaider for the occasional heroic, and some fishing using AutoAngler (maybe 1-1.5 hours a day for about 3-4 days out of any given week).

I'm sorry, but did I read this correctly? You admit to using questing bot, a bit of gatherbuddy (I guess that's what GM2 is) and AutoAngler in addition to LazyRaider, but you have drawn the conclusion that you were banned for LazyRaider?
I love how there's suddenly all these ban reports stating LAZYRAIDER/TYRAEL when in fact they were using questing, GB2, etc... You didn't get banned for LazyRaider/Tyrael. You got banned for farming, just like the rest of these people claiming bans because of CC's.
I love how there's suddenly all these ban reports stating LAZYRAIDER/TYRAEL when in fact they were using questing, GB2, etc... You didn't get banned for LazyRaider/Tyrael. You got banned for farming, just like the rest of these people claiming bans because of CC's.

Sad but true ... myself included when I wasn't even using the bot when I was farming but I guarantee it was player reports. People are so spiteful now in the game if you are in "their" area. I'd highly suggest not even bothering with farming anymore :-\ cept on an account you definitely dont care if you lose lol ... I waited 5 days and I still use Tyrael and whichever CCs I use in dungeons and LFR, I just turn off any interupts and also auto buffing cause spamming buffs is kind of a give away too.
I love how there's suddenly all these ban reports stating LAZYRAIDER/TYRAEL when in fact they were using questing, GB2, etc... You didn't get banned for LazyRaider/Tyrael. You got banned for farming, just like the rest of these people claiming bans because of CC's.

First off all, you might notice that the subject line included a question mark. I certainly do not know why, specifically, I was suspended. And, of course, neither do you. Nor anyone else except presumably Blizzard, and they certainly ain't talking. By implication, of course, you also can't say that I or others were NOT suspended for using LazyRaider, because again, no one knows one way or another except Blizzard. Since you have identified, unequivocally, the basis for my suspension, the question therefore becomes what secret source at Blizzard you have in your pocket that allows you, unlike anyone else, to know why someone was suspended. Perhaps you can use your pull with this secret source to get some of the folks here on the boards their accounts back?
I'm sorry, but did I read this correctly? You admit to using questing bot, a bit of gatherbuddy (I guess that's what GM2 is) and AutoAngler in addition to LazyRaider, but you have drawn the conclusion that you were banned for LazyRaider?

If you reread my post I did not actually say I reached any conclusion about my own suspension. What I said was that I believe that LazyRaider is detectable in some manner (other than by player reports). I am certainly not alone in this belief. Sure, could have been last month's questing. Sure, could have been the three hours of herb/ore/skin gathering spread over three toons and several days. Sure, could have been the occasional fishing. Neither I nor anyone else knows the answer to that question and frankly at this point I don't really care. Suspension is up today and won't be botting again for the near future. But I do know that the number of reports of suspensions/bans where the party suspected LazyRaider/Tyrael as the culprit appears to me to be spiking. And I know I do not believe the only other theory I have heard floated about interrupt reaction times. So I guess I could ignore all these reports and just presume that its all just gathering behind every suspension/ban, but I chose not to. One man's far from expert opinion.
First off all, you might notice that the subject line included a question mark. I certainly do not know why, specifically, I was suspended. And, of course, neither do you. Nor anyone else except presumably Blizzard, and they certainly ain't talking. By implication, of course, you also can't say that I or others were NOT suspended for using LazyRaider, because again, no one knows one way or another except Blizzard. Since you have identified, unequivocally, the basis for my suspension, the question therefore becomes what secret source at Blizzard you have in your pocket that allows you, unlike anyone else, to know why someone was suspended. Perhaps you can use your pull with this secret source to get some of the folks here on the boards their accounts back?

Lazyraider is the least detectable bot Honorbuddy has to offer. You used other features of HB which are a main source of bans. Therefor, Lazyraider should not have been included in your thread title. Instead, it should have been one of the other bot bases you used. You hopped on the bandwagon because of the multiple other reports below you claiming bans because of CC. Regardless of the ? in your thread title, it is still misleading and strikes unnecessary fear into users of the bot base. If the ban was in fact caused by Lazyraider, it would not be directly. It would be due to your incompetence and lack of caution when using certain features of a CC which led to PLAYER REPORTS.

Moving on.
Lazyraider is the least detectable bot Honorbuddy has to offer. You used other features of HB which are a main source of bans. Therefor, Lazyraider should not have been included in your thread title. Instead, it should have been one of the other bot bases you used. You hopped on the bandwagon because of the multiple other reports below you claiming bans because of CC. Regardless of the ? in your thread title, it is still misleading and strikes unnecessary fear into users of the bot base. If the ban was in fact caused by Lazyraider, it would not be directly. It would be due to your incompetence and lack of caution when using certain features of a CC which led to PLAYER REPORTS.

Moving on.
Incompetence would be having no idea of what Blizzard's detection capabilities are, which of course you do not, but concluding despite that utter ignorance that there is no risk in LazyRaider.
Some people and even botters might report people doing high DPS just because they are jelouse and complain that you cheated to get that high in the DPS chart. Dont know if Im just being paranoid tho.
Some people and even botters might report people doing high DPS just because they are jelouse and complain that you cheated to get that high in the DPS chart. Dont know if Im just being paranoid tho.
I certainly agree that this can in general be an issue. Certainly not in my case, though, as my DPS was not that high due to still having some low level gear. I would also think that player report suspensions would be more likely to be overturned on appeal. In my case they certainly thought their secret evidence to be indisputable:

We apologize that we won't be able to divulge the information which we used to come to this conclusion because it would also divulge internal tools which we are not permitted to discuss with the public. Please know though that this decision was not made lightly and we went over the evidence repeatedly to be sure that this decision was made correctly.​