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72 Hour suspension + final warning


New Member
Dec 30, 2012
1)Were you using Honorbuddy, Gatherbuddy or both on the account?
Only Honorbuddy
2)If so, when was the last time?:
A few days ago
3)What profile were you using?:
Kicks Leveling Profile, and grinding profiles.
4)What combat class were you using? if None Just put Default then the Classname:
5)What plugins are you using?:
6)How many hours per day did you bot for?:
6.5)What honest percentage of time did you supervise your bot?
7)How many auctions per day did you have?:
Around 500-100 I think mostly greenies and random stuff.
8)Did you Use Any Other Bots, Hacks, or Mods?
Profession buddy, Autoangler
9)Was your account involved in gold selling?
10)EU or US realm?

I've used Honorbuddy for less than 1 month and got a 72 hour suspsension including a final warning. I recently started using instance buddy and that's what got me suspended I think. I was tanking the instances, and it's just so obvious that it is a bot while tanking because it doesn't take shortcuts and people are complaining that the tank should pull bigger groups of mobs which it obviously doesnt do.
I was supervising my bot when I suddenly got a wow error, then I tried logging back in but it said I was suspended.
It was all worth it though 6 out of 7 85's I leveled them up to 90 with the use of Honorbuddy, also I decked out 3 characters in full honour gear.

I would recommend not using instance buddy as it's an easy way to get flagged and I think that's the sole reason I got banned. I never did any gathering, whatsoever. I did some fish botting, grinding and Kick's questing profile now and then.

I have to add though that for one month, I was online almost 24/7. 10-12 hours playing myself and the rest botting. It's my main account.


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can't imagine why anyone would use instancebuddy. you are BEGGING to get reported multiple times. I mean why would anyone stick a dumb bot, that can't talk in chat, into a 30 min instance with FOUR other humans all of whom are going to be paying extreme attention to everything the bot does since it's a tank? at least go as dps.
All my 6 characters that I leveled from 85-90 were leveled using Kick's profile 89-90 Townlong Steppes, 87-89 Kotapeak grind profile, 85-87 grind profile Amberflies Jade Forest if I remember correctly. I can recommend this way of leveling since I don't think these got me the 72 hour suspension. Since I had 7 characters on level 90. I wanted to get all classes at level 90. So I started leveling 3 new classes to 58, with kick's profile 1-58 this went perfect no stuck whatsoever. I also felt like Blizzard really didn't care and I felt like I would never get banned.

Then when I hit 58 on those characters and tried out Kick's profile for Outland it just didn't work for me. I have no clue why but the questing sucked so I decided it was time to try out instancebuddy as I had never used it before. This was the worst thing I could have done. While doing instancebuddy I was supervising my bot 95%, alt tabbing back to wow checking whisper, party chat, typing in party chat etc. I noticed that people wrote "I think our tank is a bot", I was supervising the chat at that moment and immedieately replied back "lol wtf? I'm not a bot" and then they usually replied something like "oh lol sorry, you totally acted like a bot". So I thought I was all good, but apparently people still reported me and that's what got me suspended.

However, I think it's perfectly safe to use instancebuddy as a DPS while supervising WoW like 95% and writing randomly stuff in chat. It's definitely not a good idea to tank or instancebot as a healer even if you are typing in chat etc. since it's just so obvious. If you know how instancebuddy works it so easy to spot other botter though, I think at least 1 other player in the group was always botting. It usually was a DPS, since they just follow the tank all the time.