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72 Hour suspend - "hacks", but was using CC only


New Member
Oct 29, 2012
1)Were you using Honorbuddy, Gatherbuddy or both on the account?

2)If so, when was the last time?:
This morning

3)What profile were you using?:
No specific profile, was using Lazyraider

4)What combat class were you using? if None Just put Default then the Classname:
Tuanha Hunter

5)What plugins are you using?:

6)How many hours per day did you bot for?:
It was active any time I was logged in, but since it was in Lazyraider mode it never did anything except my rotation. I did dailies and farmed Warbringers with some people.

6.5)What honest percentage of time did you supervise your bot?

7)How many auctions per day did you have?:

8)Did you Use Any Other Bots, Hacks, or Mods?
Honorbuddy only

9)Was your account involved in gold selling?

10)EU or US realm?

11)Is the banned account a Scroll of Resurrection or an actual paid account?

I checked my email and only saw the default "password reset" email, which prompted me to go to battle.net, where I found my account was suspended. I kind of freaked out and got on the chats, where a GM said that he was not lifting the ban.

The only thing I use Honorbuddy for anymore is Lazyraider while I do my dailies or raid. I manually camped both TLPD and the Mysterious Camel Figurine in the past week (got both) and yesterday I farmed eight Sky Shards in four hours. Yes, manually. Just used Tuanha's Hunter CC with Lazyraider, that's it. Haven't done any PVP, BGs, or Arenas unless you count the two small world PVP scuffles that I had last night while farming Warbringers with a group.

I honestly have no idea how it was flagged, other than the fact that it was. :/
If you were only using LazyRaider as you say you were, I would appeal the ban. Most likely you weren't, because you can only get banned for using lazyraider,tyrael or any equal botbase that only does the rotation and using movement manually is if HB has been detected by Blizzard. Which is HIGHLY unlikely because that would trigger a lot of bans :)
I appealed it via chat and the GM said he would not lift it.

I have only been using Lazyraider and manual camping/playing after not finding any profiles I liked for the purposes I wanted (got TLPD, Grey Camel, and Alani in the last 5 days). The last time I used anything other than Lazyraider was over two months ago. I recently spent a lot of time in Uldum for the Mysterious Camel figurine (never botted it, couldn't find a profile that flew over all of the spawn points), so I am guessing that someone(s) probably reported me out of spite after being out there for ages. :/
bans don't have to be instant, so they could also be related to actions (bg botting, grind botting, quest botting, and so on) done months back
I was also banned while using only CC.

Tyrael + Kingwow mage. I was dropped in the middle of lei shen :(
I was banned for the same thing. I was DCed doing heroics with my guild. I was chatting and controlling my character the entire time (rotation aside). I think it is now clear that Blizzard is detecting bots more intelligently now. Before you apologists jump down my throat, I'm not necessarily saying that warden (is that what they still call it?) is detecting Honorbuddy. I'm saying that it is obviously intelligently detecting it somehow, seeing as pure-rotation botting is by far the safest form of botting. I think we can all agree on that. Somehow they know.
Sky shards :/

Yeah, I've seen the alarming amount of suspensions/bans after people were farming Sky Shards. It was strange though, I wasn't using a profile for them, I was manually wandering around and killing Tricksters.

Regardless, I think there is definitely something going on with rotation bots. Blizz seems to be nailing people for them left and right. I honestly don't believe my suspension would be related to anything from months ago when there are many other people who are experiencing similar situations.

It looks like it is time for me to take a break from using Lazyraider and HB in general, to wait and see what's going on.
I've red (and had) enough now to confirm rotations and LazyRider are easily detectable and enough people got banned for it. Its clear that Blizz isn't scanning RAM or whatever else they claim they scan. If they were, it wouldn't have been some ban reports here and there.
What they do to nail you down is create some script which would shortlist toons for closer activity inspection. The latest hit is scrip detecting who farmed Sky Shards. Yep, all of you who farmed Sky Shards with a profile or LazyRider got your 72h suspension or ban (and me).
So yeah, Blizz needs some clue to nail you. Obviously they do not and can not scan the activity of 100,000 toons on a server. Have your LazyRider and CR interrupt every damn spell on the spot and you will get reported by a jelous guildie. And when the number of similar reports pile up, so they have vard time handling them, they will make a script. And than comes the mini-banwave.
I farmed up my skyshards while using tyreal and never received a ban (knock on wood), but It took me several months to get them all I didnt farm up 8 at a time like this guy
I just got hit with a 72 hr and went to chat, and they did nothing. I haven't got an email either. So lame...10mins before my raid.