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72 Hour Ban, Tyrael, Tuanha Hunter


Jul 11, 2011
1)Were you using Honorbuddy, Gatherbuddy or both on the account?

2)If so, when was the last time?:

3)What profile were you using?:
Blank Profile

4)What combat class were you using? if None Just put Default then the Classname:
Tuanha Hunter Elite

5)What plugins are you using?:

6)How many hours per day did you bot for?:

6.5)What honest percentage of time did you supervise your bot?

7)How many auctions per day did you have?:
10,20 - Acquired By Hand

8)Did you Use Any Other Bots, Hacks, or Mods?

9)Was your account involved in gold selling?

10)EU or US realm?
11)Is the banned account a Scroll of Resurrection or an actual paid account?
Paid, 6 year old account with no prior violations.

I saw the post about someone being banned using the Tuanha Paladin CC. I'd like to be clear by saying up front; Tuanha's CCs are incredibly well done and I didn't make this post to attack him in any way.

This account was penalized after evidence was produced indicating one or more characters on the account were found to be using an unauthorized cheat program. These programs provide character benefits that are not achievable in the World of Warcraft through normal means. Such benefits include, but are not limited to, character automation (also known as "botting"), increased speed, teleportation, or running through walls/boundaries. These types of programs offer an unfair advantage over other players and supersede the intended limits of the game.

I used Honorbuddy, Tyrael, and the Tuanha Elite Hunter CC in BGs and Arenas. That is the extent of my Honorbuddy usage as far as this account is concerned. This post is purely to alert other users of a possible issue or bring light to an issue currently unresolved.
You using the CC to do interrupts and if so what do you have them set at. I saw a post on the pvp forums a little while ago about someone mentioning a hack about interrupts and basic replies were yer it has been there a while just report them if you think they are doing it. So i can only assume that the interrupts are too good and players are reporting you for it in arenas.
Appeal and try to get it to 72h.
Mention your history (6 years) and claim it is a mistake

After you get it to 72h, edit the CC interrupts so this ban doesn't happen again.

Just say you are a PRO player since you have been playing for 6 years + and that is why you are so good, and people get jealous in arena and report you.

Throwing out ideas, but you decide on your next step.
There are services that unban accounts also

Doing it over the phone is WAYYYYYY better and I can pretty much guarantee you will be unbanned that way
I haven't got any warning from Blizzard, I use my CR for almost 2 year now with auto interrupt on.

I think it safe to set the interrupt when it about 500-800 ms left (like a true player), not instantly like PQR, it a ban trap.

Hope you recover your account soon.
Thanks for posting.. now i know something is up.

I had my interupt set at 800ms btw like Tuanha suggested
Appeal and try to get it to 72h.
Mention your history (6 years) and claim it is a mistake

After you get it to 72h, edit the CC interrupts so this ban doesn't happen again.

Just say you are a PRO player since you have been playing for 6 years + and that is why you are so good, and people get jealous in arena and report you.

Throwing out ideas, but you decide on your next step.
There are services that unban accounts also

Doing it over the phone is WAYYYYYY better and I can pretty much guarantee you will be unbanned that way

Im Multi-Glad and they didn't overturn mine after appeal on website and phone call.

Also the interrupt was already adjusted on mine for months..
This is what I think:

You got 72h ban, because you had adjusted the interrupt mechanic and your ban was not related to the interrupt at all (you got banned for something else I am unware of). The OP got perma banned for instant interrupts in arenas. Someone probably gave video evidence to blizzard. A lot of people record their arena matches.

You: 72h (not interrupt related)
OP: perma (instant interrupts in arena)

I read your thread just now, and I think you will be safe with your new found knowledge.

I haven't been banned in months now, since I learned each time why I was banned, and changed my approach accordingly.
do life like interrupts, it's obviously from player reports and I think sometimes blizzard just goes by X amount of reports and minor stuff which keeps you perma banned, wasn't like this 2 years ago, they really do hate botters in arena which is why even bossland won't support arena bot bases and this is probably why.
Yea, it was explained enough in the past here and in Bossland Gmbh interfiews on the web: HB will never support automation on the competative gameplay scene like Arenas and RBGs.

And its pretty obvious - if you face an player in arena, which interrupt all your CCs and important heals, then its going too suspicious.

Most of the skilled healers are doing fake casts to trick the opponents and waste their interrupt CD. Now imagine how will these healers feel, when they get interrupted on every fake cast they attempt? Its more than unusual!
Here's the issue with the CR interrupts. Even though you may have it set at 800ms, what if they have extremely short casted heals, haste procs? For example hpal infusion of light. There is also settings in the CR's that will INSTANTLY interrupt other players as well, like pet stuns/kicks. For instance, the monk interrupt when healer/caster is low. Pet interrupts when friend/target is low. Etc...

I had someone log into my server and tell me they reported me for an interrupt bot recently. The bot was set at 500ms, however I had the CR set to interrupt healer/caster at low health...which is an auto interrupt. I went back into arenas and payed attention to how much it actually interrupted people running gladiatorlossa, and a party interrupt announcer... and had to turn off the bot because it was extremely obvious to me that anyone could tell it was a bot. If you can run gladiatorlossa and an announcer and feel comfortable about it without your partner knowing you're botting, then go for it...I can't atm, so I use macros and focus macros instead.

Also, this whole interrupt thing goes double for dispels as well. Even your partner knows you're botting when you dispell a Hammer of Justice 1ms after the opponent casts it on them. You hand of sacrifice as ret 1ms after your healer eats a trap. You Tiger's Lust a cc 1ms after it is placed...all of these things need timers on them imo
Here's the issue with the CR interrupts. Even though you may have it set at 800ms, what if they have extremely short casted heals, haste procs? For example hpal infusion of light. There is also settings in the CR's that will INSTANTLY interrupt other players as well, like pet stuns/kicks. For instance, the monk interrupt when healer/caster is low. Pet interrupts when friend/target is low. Etc...

I had someone log into my server and tell me they reported me for an interrupt bot recently. The bot was set at 500ms, however I had the CR set to interrupt healer/caster at low health...which is an auto interrupt. I went back into arenas and payed attention to how much it actually interrupted people running gladiatorlossa, and a party interrupt announcer... and had to turn off the bot because it was extremely obvious to me that anyone could tell it was a bot. If you can run gladiatorlossa and an announcer and feel comfortable about it without your partner knowing you're botting, then go for it...I can't atm, so I use macros and focus macros instead.

Also, this whole interrupt thing goes double for dispels as well. Even your partner knows you're botting when you dispell a Hammer of Justice 1ms after the opponent casts it on them. You hand of sacrifice as ret 1ms after your healer eats a trap. You Tiger's Lust a cc 1ms after it is placed...all of these things need timers on them imo

I love the holy pally:)