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72 hour ban, skinning.


New Member
May 21, 2014
1)Were you using Honorbuddy, Gatherbuddy or both on the account?


2)Which version (and Beta or Release)?:


3)If so, when was the last time?:


4)What profile were you using?:

Thick Leather n Dark Whelping Farming by Y SO SRS

5)What combat class were you using? if None Just put Default then the Classname:


6)What plugins are you using?:


7)How many hours per day did you bot for?:


8)What honest percentage of time did you supervise your bot?


9)How many auctions per day did you have?:

Was skinning to level Leatherworking not to sell on AH.

10)Did you Use Any Other Bots, Hacks, or Mods?


11)Was your account involved in gold selling?


12)EU or US realm?


13)Is the banned account a Scroll of Resurrection or an actual paid account?

It's just a suspension... you got very lucky. You might've set off something on Blizzard's end and they flagged you. What was the exact reason in the email you received from Blizz?
Glad to hear I got lucky, I've run the bot for questing and BGBuddy a lot and never had a problem. The first DAY I use a skinning profile, I get a temp ban, go figure...From their email:

Account Action: Suspension (72 Hours)

Offense: Unapproved Third Party Software
Yep, time to take a nice little mini vacation from WoW. :P

I vaguely remember someone saying skinning is risky... which is weird, but so is Blizz.
Yep, time to take a nice little mini vacation from WoW. :P

I vaguely remember someone saying skinning is risky... which is weird, but so is Blizz.

Mini vacation indeed, thanks. =)

This might be a stupid question but if I were to go back to just BGBuddy/Questing after the ban are my odds of getting caught increased because of this temp ban?
Ehh, there's really no way to say for sure, mainly because it's not really possible to tell which thing actually caused you to get suspended. I would lay low for a week or two once you get the account back, then maybe stay with questing for a little bit. Personally I don't have any experience with BGBuddy so I can't say what the ban rates are for it. As you know, there's always a chance of getting banned even when you simply start the bot. :P
I'm sure it's because it's a farming profile. The longer you sit in an area constantly followings the same route is a dead give away. Just like in the glider days all you could do is grind for hours. Most people unless they are a bot or a farmer don't grind out stuff like that for hours a day.
i switched to skinning on numerous accounts after GB2 farming went to shit and have never been banned. if it's a busy spot maybe you got reported, who knows.

in fact i must have 1000s of hours by now in just one yeti cave skinning and mining, no problems.

but all this is with plugins that beep and freeze the char if anyone is nearby or there is a whisper etc. never unattended.

you have to realize that if you run a bot next to a human in the same area for 10 min, even the dumb ones start to suspect something fishy. all it takes is right-clicking and "send report" :)
Thanks for all the informative replies! I love the HB community and all the devs. <3

I'm hesitant to bot again but time will tell. I just can't stand doing prof grinds and leveling after doing them for so long, ugh.

@Starlite68, I wish I knew about the plugins, I'm pretty sure I know who reported me...the same guy that was farming the same area. :o
Yeah dude some people tend to be bitches like that and report people in the same area.
Yup. It sucks but it happens. All is not lost though. Remember, lotsa people get screwed over and banned right off the bat. Being hesitant is a good thing... I've never been in favor of "reckless" botting. A good amount of caution and care can mean the difference between an account that lasts a year or an account that lasts a week.