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72 Hour ban after 190 runs of vortex pinnacle


New Member
Jun 7, 2013
As the title suggests, i left my bot on for around a full day (stupidly) running vortex pinnacle over and over again to try my luck at the drake of the north wind. (which i did not get, sadly :/) I am basically wondering how they even have the suspicion of me botting that because im soloing a dungeon where nobody else can report me? unless there is some magical eye watching me do it then im not sure. and throughout that day i was messaging players talking in guild. Should i appeal this?

another question i have is to whether i should carry on botting after my 72 hour ban, i really want that god damn mount! i have had a warning of supposedly buying gold which was false considering my old account which i gave to a friend i traded 15k gold. Whats the risk of my getting perma-banned because i am pretty scared of that happening i have 5 lvl 90's now (which for me is really good) ive paid for numerous blizzard services like transfers mounts etc.

In short -
should i bot again?
should i appeal my 72 hour ban?
How the hell was i suspended!?
As the title suggests, i left my bot on for around a full day (stupidly) running vortex pinnacle over and over again to try my luck at the drake of the north wind. (which i did not get, sadly :/) I am basically wondering how they even have the suspicion of me botting that because im soloing a dungeon where nobody else can report me? unless there is some magical eye watching me do it then im not sure. and throughout that day i was messaging players talking in guild. Should i appeal this?

another question i have is to whether i should carry on botting after my 72 hour ban, i really want that god damn mount! i have had a warning of supposedly buying gold which was false considering my old account which i gave to a friend i traded 15k gold. Whats the risk of my getting perma-banned because i am pretty scared of that happening i have 5 lvl 90's now (which for me is really good) ive paid for numerous blizzard services like transfers mounts etc.

In short -
should i bot again?
should i appeal my 72 hour ban?
How the hell was i suspended!? Are you seriously asking why you got banned?


Do not bot with an account you can't afford to loose.

second, who the hell is gonna run an instance for 24h straight.

the risk of getting perm banned on that account now is 95-100%.
I wouldn't bot again with that account, period.
Its flagged and its been monitored.
Buy a new account, make 40-50k gold per month, sell it, pay for its subscription and send the rest of the mats/gold to ur main.

Also don't put it on the same account, make new email and start fresh.

If is a 72h ban, dont bather appealing. If it was an auto ban all you will gain by making a ticket is having a GM investigating the account.

I think you should spend 1hour on the forums and read some sticky posts cause it seems you got no idea on what you are doing.

bot smartly plz
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Do not bot with an account you can't afford to loose.

second, who the hell is gonna run an instance for 24h straight.

the risk of getting perm banned on that account now is 95-100%.
I wouldn't bot again with that account, period.
Its flagged and its been monitored.
Buy a new account, make 40-50k gold per month, sell it, pay for its subscription and send the rest of the mats/gold to ur main.

Also don't put it on the same account, make new email and start fresh.

If is a 72h ban, dont bather appealing. If it was an auto ban all you will gain by making a ticket is having a GM investigating the account.

I think you should spend 1hour on the forums and read some sticky posts cause it seems you got no idea on what you are doing.

bot smartly plz

Hey thankyou for the reply, im pretty much working all the time at the moment hence my use for the bot, but no you are right i pretty much dont know what im doing other than how to operate it. Thankyou for the advice and i guess i shall not use the bot on my main account again :(. I have no interest in gold tbh so im not sure what im going to do with the bot, it was generally for farming mounts and levelling.
Is even botting vortex pinnacle for say 1 hour every 10 hours even risky? (ofcourse its got a risk but in my eyes i dont see how somebody will know im botting if its for 1 hour and they cant see me) Lol. Again thankyou.

If you want that mount, buy a second acc, attach it to same bnet account - the mounts get shared on all wow licenses

Im guessing i do that on a brand new battle.net account right? then merge them.
i think it will work both ways, a seperate bnet acc COULD be more safe, but they will still both run on same name, so it will not be that much of security
Mate I am farming instances every day. I do not farm same instance more than 3-4 hours.
Im guessing i do that on a brand new battle.net account right? then merge them.

No you will not be able to merge new accounts with your old one if its under a new email. The whole point of the merging that blizzard allowed was for all accounts that were older then 2009 because battle-net was not around back then. I wouldn't bot that much and even botting on a different account but under the same battle-net email can still cause them to ban all of the accounts if they so choose.
create a new battle.net account with the same last name, level a new character, bot on that till you get the mounts / shit u want

DO NOT LEARN THE MOUNT THEN MERGE, just leave the mount in ur bag then transfer the character. atleast if that account gets banned or suspended it is not associated with ur main account.

i have done this multiple times, after ive got the mounts etc and transfered the character i usually sell the account or turn it into a farming account, a bit more work is required for this process but i personally think its safer and there's a lot small less chance that your main battle.net account will be flagged.

you can use this method for botting rep achieves get the bot to stop running with 20.7k/21k into revered and finish it off when the toon is transfered.

i did the insane with this the bot account was banned 3-4days after i transferred the character to my main account [i hadnt botted on the account since i initiated the trasnfer]