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So, My OS on my new machine is 64 bit windows XP.....oddly enough I'm having a huge pain in the ass trying to get HB to run or let alone finding the right .NET frame work tools. Anyone have any experience using 64bit windows and HB?
ive heard bad things about windows XP 64bit, because it took until vista for microsoft to finally figure it out.
you need the .net framework 3.5 sp1,
wow needs to be running the 32 bit version.
I think a large portion of us use 64bit OS with HB so that's not an issue. Mine's Windows 7, rather then XP though.
.Net Framework I've always downloaded straight from the "Windows Update" feature so I havnt had any trouble finding the right one so to speak. Is that what your doing or are you trying manually to find them through Microsofts website?
Also remember ofcourse.... HB Supports 64bit systems, but not 64bit wow client.
If you don't mind us asking, what specifically isn't working? Whats the error messages n similar.