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May 28, 2013
after 5 years of botting i know patches take time . waiting for all the pieces from US and EU servers before they can fix Honorbuddy. Testing and adjustments all to help keep me safe from evil blizzard .. the thing that kills me is the hope it will be fixed fast . i know that they are going as fast as they can but the Hope it will be easy and fast. it makes you wait checking every few min. the hope kills me
You're not the only one ^^
Haha but we Will keep THE hope up!
Just check once in a while THE forum sorry for THE cases typing on my phone.... Release is shortly!!!!
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i have the same wow account for almost 12 years now back before battle net busted 3 times for botting 1 day 30 day and 6 month supention never banned .. as for honorbuddy 2010 i think was when i started with this bot.
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Are you going to keep botting with that account, after that 6 month suspention?
the accounts mean nothing now with the battle net account. all the mounts, toys , and other junk all saved.. if the take it from me ill make new account on the same battle net. nothing lost a few days of botting wont fix
there where plenty of HB users that avoided the ban waves, sure it was luck- but non the less those users who where not logged in at the time blizzard detected us.. they did not get banned..

No idea how many there where.. but of my 30 accounts I only lost 24 of them because I was trying something else at the time with the other 6 bots. the second ban I lost them all- as they where all online..

it was all luck
ya, i have roughly 6-7 accounts that have survived every ban wave so far, just down to the luck with when they are online.
I started with Pirox and swapped after he settled with blizz.

HB has been solid since then, I'm not completly happy with how the bot, the community and the company has been run, but I greatly appreciate all of their hardwork and effort.

I've had some amazing moments using this bot, made some wonderful money and learned an awful lot.

I've been banned quite a few times as well on personal accounts; HB keeps me involved in wow even when I have zero interest in actually playing and engaging.
5 years with the same account? i don't think so xD
i`m boting heavily :D about 12-17 hours a day AFK and 3-4 hours a day combat bot in PVP :D. On the same account now for ... six years ? i think

like previous users said they are not completely happy with the bot.
honestly i am not completely happy with the community ... we used to be much much more helpful. Now the community became greedy and mean.
we used to share everything when this started. now we just put prices for every working profile that we manage to build :( ... i guess some people don't understand that if the little guys are not happy with the bot they will stop buying monthly subscriptions
luckily enough we still have some good developers like echo that still do projects for free .... and btw his support is INCREDIBLY fast and good.
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i`m boting heavily :D about 12-17 hours a day AFK and 3-4 hours a day combat bot in PVP :D. On the same account now for ... six years ? i think

like previous users said they are not completely happy with the bot.
honestly i am not completely happy with the community ... we used to be much much more helpful. Now the community became greedy and mean.
we used to share everything when this started. now we just put prices for every working profile that we manage to build :( ... i guess some people don't understand that if the little guys are not happy with the bot they will stop buying monthly subscriptions
luckily enough we still have some good developers like echo that still do projects for free .... and btw his support is INCREDIBLY fast and good.

100% Agreed. Certain policies and changes int eh community really hurt the overall experience.

Back in the day when everyone used to just share everything for free and people only charged for really really really special projects that were incredibly heavy duty/tough to maintain.

I'm not someone whining about dev's being paid; I've donated and bought loads of things; but now it seems like everyone wants to charge for every line of xml quest code.
yeah ... same ... i bought a lot of stuff lately i`m not complaining about that. but when i see stupid quests being sold for 4euro`s a piece i`m like WTF.
i mean if i would make that profile and i would sell it for 4euro`s i would have to give to the HB team 60% of my earnings right ? so what would that leave me with ? 2.4euro`s ... horray i`m rich.
personally i would just give it away for free. the HB team would earn more out of this probably cause it would attract happy costumers.
but there`s no point in us trying to change anything. we`re just wasting our time.
nothing will ever change. there is blood in the water and the money grabbing sharks are stuck on it
yeah ... same ... i bought a lot of stuff lately i`m not complaining about that. but when i see stupid quests being sold for 4euro`s a piece i`m like WTF.
i mean if i would make that profile and i would sell it for 4euro`s i would have to give to the HB team 60% of my earnings right ? so what would that leave me with ? 2.4euro`s ... horray i`m rich.
personally i would just give it away for free. the HB team would earn more out of this probably cause it would attract happy costumers.
but there`s no point in us trying to change anything. we`re just wasting our time.
nothing will ever change. there is blood in the water and the money grabbing sharks are stuck on it

this apart of the issue. HB is doing that as they lack cash flows and a decent business structure.
Been playing on 1 account since vanilla and botting for 5 years or so as well, never been banned or anything.
Ive been using this bot thanks in part to a friend who introduced it to me in early cata. And thank god for him. but everyone here is right the community before the stupid store was incredible. We all helped one another because lets face it if the bot goes down so do all of us. but I think HB has forgotten what it was like to be a beta company just trying to push good products. So when they forgot so didn't the developers who got hit hard for trying to help and in turn we lost a lot of good guys making great profiles. Also due to age and people loosing interest. I remember the good old days of hey if you like this feel free to donate and buy me a pizza lol. Good days are gone and yes a lot of us only play because of this bot and a lot of us are counting down the days months or good willing years before HB settles with blizz and we are done forever.
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