Hey, thanks for a response, so you are telling me that my IP is beign banned and monitored for same pattern of dungeon leveling. So If I will start on my pc again 5 man dungeons, they will be banned because of similiar pattern leveling 1-15 and then spamming LFD. How can I bypass it? I would like to continue botting this.
I have already changed os from W7 to W8, fresh installed a wow on HDD instead of SSD, changed serial number of HDD & SSD, changed mac adress, updated bios, changed Sata ports and ram position, using Cyberghost VPN... :/
Where I have mentioned that the IP is being banned/monitored? No ofc.
Its your system, used for linking "grounds" on all the accounts run from it.
Blizzard do link accounts via their own stuff like their dedicated namespace in Windows Registry and via their own wow client installations. It is already safe enough to assume, they do it via the registry, as
Dockson linked a thread regarding this, and the same applies for the wow install, simply because they have done this in the past.
Anyone playing Blizzard games from 15+ years do remember that originally, Blizzard had integrated or "stored" your classic Diablo CD-Key into the Diablo client, so you had to maintain multiple Diablo installations if had more than once CD-Keys, so its not single problem for them to identify their own WoW client with an unique ID, then send to the server which wow licenses had connected to the servers from this unique already client, simply as this.
So its bad idea, if you do copy your entire WoW Folder when doing reinstall / clean install, but just download the battlenet desktop app, and install WoW from the net.
P.S. And please stay away off VPNs if you are doing such stuff. 1st - Most of them share the IP address, you are bind to with thousands of people, and 2nd - Blizzard do have access to the IP ranges of the most popular VPNs, and classify the accounts, logged from them as hackers. They do NOT support using of VPNs in general.
If you are desperate enough, do use VPS instead, most of them have dedicated IPs
On your last question:
The only way to bypass your "bad behavior stacking" is by starting fresh! Dont forget that the most fresh accounts are monitored in the first few days of creation, maybe up to a week, so its not good idea to start 24/7 botting right away, no matter if its questing only or dungeonbuddy.
All this stuff is complicated at all, but we do have to touch the borders of the "allowed" to explore enough what is safe and what is not