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4x Permbanned GER / EU


New Member
Apr 19, 2012
1)Were you using Honorbuddy, Gatherbuddy or both on the account? Honorbuddy questing

2)Which version (and Beta or Release)?: Release

3)If so, when was the last time?: 

4)What profile were you using?: [url]https://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/honorbuddy-profiles/farming/163151-azyul-optimized-gold-farming-dungeons-trash-mobs.html[/url]

5)What combat class were you using? Singular 4x Feral Druid

6)What plugins are you using?: none

7)How many hours per day did you bot for?: 12-18hours per day

8)What honest percentage of time did you supervise your bot? 90%

9)How many auctions per day did you have?: 0

10)Did you Use Any Other Bots, Hacks, or Mods? ARelog & HBRelog

11)Was your account involved in gold selling? No

12)EU or US realm? EU

13)Is the banned account a Scroll of Resurrection or an actual paid account? Paid


4 Bots on VM System with OWN MAC and OWN DEDICATED IP

other bots was running with the same profiles on other VM-Systems -> no ban


->> 01:55 AM CET -> email with passwort reset
->> Relogger tried to relog
->> 02:04 -> email with banhammer

->> accounts was fresh 1 Week Old, we are using a tunnel V P N Service to login to Honorbuddy and give WoW a different IP in our Routing Tables, worked until yesterday like a charm.

Possible that they changed something in the Login System - i dont think that the Profile or Bot is detected by himself -- maybe a problem with HBRelog and ARelog? Would be happy for any suggestions! :)
4 Bots on VM System with OWN MAC and OWN DEDICATED IP

other bots was running with the same profiles on other VM-Systems -> no ban


->> 01:55 AM CET -> email with passwort reset
->> Relogger tried to relog
->> 02:04 -> email with banhammer

->> accounts was fresh 1 Week Old, we are using a tunnel V P N Service to login to Honorbuddy and give WoW a different IP in our Routing Tables, worked until yesterday like a charm.

Possible that they changed something in the Login System - i dont think that the Profile or Bot is detected by himself -- maybe a problem with HBRelog and ARelog? Would be happy for any suggestions! :)

This happened to me quite similarly. Almost exactly. And that's why you should avoid V_P_N's. It could be that a cut on the provider's v_P_N made you try to login from 2 different IP's which inmediately flag your accounts for investigation.Also, it would happen if you forgot to turn the V-p-n on before starting your wows-relogger. Password reset email are quite often used by gms to check the responding Ip's, and seems to be the most common way to identify a manual ban.

Were you using some kind of program to autodisconnect whenever the V-P-n provider server had a service interruption? and , in case you were using one, have you checked it was working properly?

If I'm right, you are likely very lucky to only have been banned on the affected VM. Wouldn't surprise me if your other vm's follow the banroute shortly after. Not that I want that for you, but when talking about manual investigations, if you happen to receive the Gm with a brain you are pretty fucked, vm's did not help me before!
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we have dedicated IP's 1 IP just for us per VM from our V_P_N Provider, no sharing with others.

Boots with VM Startup - when the V_P_N looses connection the whole Virtual Machine has no internet Connection

Access to the Mailboxes are just from the VM Machines allowed - to make sure that the accounts are just affected by 1 VM and no other System

as i regocnized there was another "botter" in "Gundrak" with around ~12 lvl 90 Pallys around the same time he got shutdown
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we have dedicated IP's 1 IP just for us per VM from our V_P_N Provider, no sharing with others.

Boots with VM Startup - when the V_P_N looses connection the whole Virtual Machine has no internet Connection

Access to the Mailboxes are just from the VM Machines allowed - to make sure that the accounts are just affected by 1 VM and no other System

as i regocnized there was another "botter" in "Gundrak" with around ~12 lvl 90 Pallys around the same time he got shutdown

Well, with the first two points it seems you knew your way about V_p_n's. It was as safe as it gets. Was it a whitelist Ip? If they provide you with a Dedicated Ip that was blacklisted before, it's worse the remedy....

Didn't understood what you meant with the mailboxes thing. Guess you wanted to say the bots on the vm were completely unrelated to the other vm's bots?

I would consider it a manual investigation. You got unlucky. It seems odd, though. Questing bots are normally not the most wanted ones...maybe 4 feral druids just took a gaze....whatever.

It there were some login change, related to the reloggers....there would be much more threads in this section don't you think?
Well, with the first two points it seems you knew your way about V_p_n's. It was as safe as it gets. Was it a whitelist Ip? If they provide you with a Dedicated Ip that was blacklisted before, it's worse the remedy....

I can't tell you if they where Blacklisted, i just created a Support Request at our V_P_N Provider, let's see how fast i'll get an answer :)

Didn't understood what you meant with the mailboxes thing. Guess you wanted to say the bots on the vm were completely unrelated to the other vm's bots?

That's right, every VM has her own IP-Adress, E-Mail Boxes and WoW Accounts. When there are PW-Requests all has to be done from the related VM with the VM IP-Adress.

I would consider it a manual investigation. You got unlucky. It seems odd, though. Questing bots are normally not the most wanted ones...maybe 4 feral druids just took a gaze....whatever.

Possible, or we got in mess with the Online times while Swapping from HBRelog to ARelog, i'll have an eye on the other Machines to make sure it wont happen again.

It there were some login change, related to the reloggers....there would be much more threads in this section don't you think?

As you see from my registration date in this Forum i'm using Bossland Products for a long time now and usually i dont write or better said create a new topic for every single ban (my post counter should be the proof :P)

If you have read the Thread from Hawker: https://www.thebuddyforum.com/the-buddy-bots/announcements/171292-warden-updates-july-22-2014-a.html -- we know they are changing Stuff, not quite sure what it is, but something happens there. Therefore i created this time a thread to announce the ban's and help a bit in finding possibilitys.

But as you already said, we can just be unlucky, i hope really that this is true :) and if not hey, let's see what happens to the other VM's - a battlechest 4.0 just costs 6EUR :)
Reply from Blizzard Employee (German)

Leider mussten wir Ihren World of Warcraft-Account aufgrund eines direkten Verstoßes gegen unsere Nutzungsbestimmungen permanent schließen.

Wir nehmen derartige Angelegenheiten sehr ernst und verhängen derartige Accountstrafen nicht ohne eine vollständige Untersuchung des jeweiligen Falles. In diesem Fall haben wir festgestellt, dass die zur Verfügung gestellten Beweise korrekt waren und die Accountstrafe nicht zurückgenommen wird.
Leider sind wir gezwungen, manchmal Maßnahmen zu ergreifen, um die Integrität des Spieles im Sinne unserer Community zu erhalten. Wir sehen uns außerstande, über die bereits per E-Mail übermittelten Informationen hinaus tiefgreifende Details über die Schließung herauszugeben.

Unten angefügt finden Sie Links zu unseren Regeln und Nutzungsbestimmungen.

Infolge einer Prüfung Ihres Falles können wir bestätigen, dass die uns vorliegenden Beweise korrekt waren und die nachfolgende Strafe angemessen. Unsere Entscheidung in dieser Angelegenheit steht fest und wird nicht abgeändert.

Bitte beachten Sie, dass es aufgrund von datenschutzrechtlichen und Sicherheitsgründen nicht unseren Richtlinien entspricht, über die bereits in der ursprünglichen E-Mail übermittelten Informationen hinaus Details zu Accountuntersuchungen herauszugeben.

Falls Sie sich noch einmal zu unseren Regeln und Nutzungsbestimmungen belesen möchten, so finden Sie diese unter: World of Warcraft - Battle.net Support.

Der Fall wurde mehrmals geprüft und eine weitere Untersuchung wird nicht stattfinden. Weitere Tickets zu dieser Angelegenheit können ohne Antwort geschlossen werden.

Beim Ausführen von World of Warcraft kann der Spielclient den Arbeitsspeicher Ihres Computers und/oder die CPU-Prozesse prüfen und nach unautorisierten Programmen von Drittparteien suchen, die zeitgleich mit WoW laufen. Unautorisierte Drittanbietersoftware bezeichnet in diesem Sinne jegliche Programme von Drittparteien (uneingeschränkt inklusive jeglicher Addons oder Modifikationen/Mods), welche nach der alleinigen Auffassung von Blizzard Entertainment:

I. Betrügerei/Schummelei/“Cheating“ jeglicher Art ermöglichen oder unterstützen

II. Es dem Nutzer ermöglicht, das Interface, die Spielumgebung und/oder die Spielerfahrung in Diablo III auf jegliche nicht ausdrücklich von Blizzard Entertainment autorisierte Art zu verändern

III. Informationen von oder durch den Spielclient von World of Warcraft abfängt, “datamined“, oder auf andere Weise sammelt

Sollte eine solche Software auf dem Rechner ausfindig gemacht werden, kann Blizzard Entertainment:

a) entsprechende Informationen vom Spielclient an Blizzard übertragen, inklusive ohne Einschränkung den Namen Ihres Accounts, Details über die entdeckte Drittanbietersoftware, sowie Uhrzeit und Datum der Entdeckung dieser Software
b) einige oder alle der unter Sektion 6 der Lizenzvereinbarung ausüben, mit oder ohne vorherige Benachrichtigung des Nutzers

Die Nutzung solcher Programme oder Dateien stellt einen klaren unfairen Vorteil gegenüber der Community aus normal spielenden Kunden dar und wird auf unseren Servern nicht geduldet.

Infolge einer gründlichen Prüfung Ihres Falles können wir bestätigen, dass von Ihrem Account aus mehrmals ein solches Programm genutzt wurde, und dass die darauffolgende Accountstrafe angemessen war.
Diese Maßnahme wurde in Übereinstimmung mit unseren Nutzungsbestimmungen zu World of Warcraft und In-Game-Bestimmungen (In-Game and Forum Policies - Battle.net Support) getroffen, welche von allen Spielern vor Spielbeginn akzeptiert werden müssen. Diese Bestimmungen und Bedingungen ermöglichen es uns, allen unseren Spielern eine spaßige und sichere Spielumgebung zur Verfügung zu stellen.

Die Battle.net-Nutzungsbestimmungen können Sie unter Blizzard Entertainment: Battle.net Terms of Use einsehen. Weitere Informationen zu den verschiedenen Accountstrafen erhalten Sie hier: https://battle.net/support/article/200475

Wir betrachen diese Angelegenheit nun als abgeschlossen und werden weitere Anfragen zu diesem Thema nicht beantworten.
4 Bots on VM System with OWN MAC and OWN DEDICATED IP

other bots was running with the same profiles on other VM-Systems -> no ban

Possible that they changed something in the Login System - i dont think that the Profile or Bot is detected by himself -- maybe a problem with HBRelog and ARelog? Would be happy for any suggestions! :)
This is it!
Since some months ago, the server side detection have dramatically changed, if you are running only, or more than one characters on your machine, identified as "botting behavior" by the server.

For example: Im running gather bots on schedule since ages, usually having 7-10 total, and they are running by having 2 or 3 interlapping their sessions. Once I broke my schedule, and 5 or 6 of them had gathered mop ores/herbs for about an hour in the same time, and all of these were on single machine (No VM, single IP, single wow install etc.) Soon after, they got autobanned by the server for botting. Meanwhile I had 3-4 shuffling accounts, 1 PP rogue and 1 play account, running on the same machine, ofc same IP, wow install etc. all of those was untouched, other gatherbots, running under the same IP, different machine, was untouched too, 2x PP rogues on other machine, same IP untouched!

So the only banned accounts, were running GB2, all of them in the same time, the untouched GB2 accounts were running in diff time, no interlapping on the time-table.

You can think in the same direction and share your thoughts.
7)How many hours per day did you bot for?: 12-18hours per day

8)What honest percentage of time did you supervise your bot? 90%

Get a life. Being addicted to something is counterproductive. Always. (Even if you try to tell that you "work")
Does V.P.N create a new IP outside of your router? I am not an expert, but thinking of this: If you just generating a new IP over DNS inside your network area, all connections outside have the same IP (works for Switzerland for sure, cannot imagine it would be any different in other countries).

But as you said, you are working with this for a longer period, probably unlucky?
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Before few months I got same situation. Only difference was I got banned on host machine and VMs with V P N was ok.
Because of this situations I am using virtualisation- to get banned per machine not every single account that I have.