Been using honor buddy for years without problems but today was at work while my lvl 100 gnome mage was botting in random bgs (bgbuddy). Got home and had a 48 hour ban from using illegal third party software. If I had to guess someone got everyone in a bg to report my toon which attracted a GMs attention and they got me. Ive monitored plenty of bgs and its not uncommon for the real players in random bgs to complain about the bots and try to report them so be careful doing random bgs at 100 unmonitored.
Action: 48 Hour Suspension
Violation: Unapproved Third Party Software
Blizzard will take action against any players using third party programs, which operate outside the World of Warcraft software, to gain an advantage in the game. This software may include increasing movement or teleportation hacks, automating gameplay, or other changes that subvert the mechanics or design of the game. This can also include programs that obtain information not normally available to the regular player, or that transmit or modify any of the game files.
Action: 48 Hour Suspension
Violation: Unapproved Third Party Software
Blizzard will take action against any players using third party programs, which operate outside the World of Warcraft software, to gain an advantage in the game. This software may include increasing movement or teleportation hacks, automating gameplay, or other changes that subvert the mechanics or design of the game. This can also include programs that obtain information not normally available to the regular player, or that transmit or modify any of the game files.