20:05:18.698 N] Hearthbuddy starting.
[20:05:18.848 N] Attempting to log in...
[20:05:19.049 N] H: 901419586
[20:05:19.089 N] Login successful!
[20:05:19.211 N] Hearthbuddy starting...
[20:05:19.212 N] CPU Architecture: x64
[20:05:19.212 N] Process Architecture: x86
[20:05:19.212 N] OS Version: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1
[20:05:19.212 N] .NET Runtime Version: 4.0.30319.18444
[20:05:19.212 N] CPU Cores: 8
[20:05:19.213 N] Application Path: C:\Users\<User>\Desktop\Hearthbuddy
[20:05:19.214 N] Checking for updates...
[20:05:20.893 N] Initializing Triton...
[20:05:21.148 D] Attaching to Hearthstone with PID 4008
[20:05:21.202 D] Initializing Mapping system.
[20:05:21.266 D] Initializing hooks.
[20:05:21.273 D] Attached to process 4008
[20:05:21.273 D] Initialized!
[20:05:32.746 N] Starting the bot!
[20:05:33.701 N] Starting practice match against AI_NORMAL_PALADIN using deck with ID 74194010.
[20:05:59.109 N] Selecting starting hand...
[20:06:04.240 N] Ending turn.
[20:06:08.329 N] Selected my starting hand!
[20:06:24.450 N] ------------------------------------------------------------
[20:06:24.466 N] Checking hand cards priorities :
[20:06:24.516 N] Card Wild Pyromancer has a low priority
[20:06:24.539 N] Grabbing card: Wild Pyromancer
[20:06:25.651 N] Dropping currently held card!
[20:06:29.326 N] ------------------------------------------------------------
[20:06:29.327 N] Checking hand cards priorities :
[20:06:29.562 N] Checking hand cards with very low priority :
[20:06:30.790 N] Ending turn.
[20:07:45.217 N] Bot has stopped.
[20:07:50.205 N] Session is invalid!
[20:07:53.784 N] The host process has exited! We will shut down as well.
i have this pretty mutch with evryversion i cant use this bot so i use another one atm.
[20:05:18.848 N] Attempting to log in...
[20:05:19.049 N] H: 901419586
[20:05:19.089 N] Login successful!
[20:05:19.211 N] Hearthbuddy starting...
[20:05:19.212 N] CPU Architecture: x64
[20:05:19.212 N] Process Architecture: x86
[20:05:19.212 N] OS Version: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1
[20:05:19.212 N] .NET Runtime Version: 4.0.30319.18444
[20:05:19.212 N] CPU Cores: 8
[20:05:19.213 N] Application Path: C:\Users\<User>\Desktop\Hearthbuddy
[20:05:19.214 N] Checking for updates...
[20:05:20.893 N] Initializing Triton...
[20:05:21.148 D] Attaching to Hearthstone with PID 4008
[20:05:21.202 D] Initializing Mapping system.
[20:05:21.266 D] Initializing hooks.
[20:05:21.273 D] Attached to process 4008
[20:05:21.273 D] Initialized!
[20:05:32.746 N] Starting the bot!
[20:05:33.701 N] Starting practice match against AI_NORMAL_PALADIN using deck with ID 74194010.
[20:05:59.109 N] Selecting starting hand...
[20:06:04.240 N] Ending turn.
[20:06:08.329 N] Selected my starting hand!
[20:06:24.450 N] ------------------------------------------------------------
[20:06:24.466 N] Checking hand cards priorities :
[20:06:24.516 N] Card Wild Pyromancer has a low priority
[20:06:24.539 N] Grabbing card: Wild Pyromancer
[20:06:25.651 N] Dropping currently held card!
[20:06:29.326 N] ------------------------------------------------------------
[20:06:29.327 N] Checking hand cards priorities :
[20:06:29.562 N] Checking hand cards with very low priority :
[20:06:30.790 N] Ending turn.
[20:07:45.217 N] Bot has stopped.
[20:07:50.205 N] Session is invalid!
[20:07:53.784 N] The host process has exited! We will shut down as well.
i have this pretty mutch with evryversion i cant use this bot so i use another one atm.