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4 banned accounts


Nov 26, 2011
1)Were you using Honorbuddy, Gatherbuddy or both on the account?
2)If so, when was the last time?:
2 hours ago
3)What profile were you using?:
kicks questing profiles
4)What combat class were you using? if None Just put Default then the Classname:
5)What plugins are you using?:
talented, anti drown, autoequip, potions, detect drink
6)How many hours per day did you bot for?:
I JUST botted 2-3 hours on 2 accounts and 1 hour on the other 2 accounts all 4 fresh accounts
6.5)What honest percentage of time did you supervise your bot?
7)How many auctions per day did you have?:
8)Did you Use Any Other Bots, Hacks, or Mods?
9)Was your account involved in gold selling?
I had 2silver across all 4 accounts that I couldnt manage to sell before the ban
10)EU or US realm?
11)Is the banned account a Scroll of Resurrection or an actual paid account?
paid battlechest cdkey from blizz store

The emails I got said that I was banned for selling in-game stuff for IRL money
And again, Kicks questing profiles. Fresh accounts, 2-3 hours botting, 100% supervised.

And yet the HB fanbois will say there is no detection of anything at all. There is some detection, even if it is not the program itself, but the profile patterns used.
Call me a fanboi, but i've leveled 5 characters 1-60(would let it go longer but has issues after 60) with kicks and doing it overnight/at work not watching it at all other then remoting into my PC every 3-4hours to check if its stuck.

The last 3 have been on a med/low populated server where the first 2 were on high population (illidan and tich) and never had issues.

TBH its the luck of the draw, if a GM is just in the area and see's someone botting you got unlucky.
Or they are strictly close-watching every single user leveling in a schedule GM turns, or they now studied HB good enough to track Kickzz patterns, that's scary.
<If Playerquestlines in the same order as kicks in over 90% investigate and ban>
And again, Kicks questing profiles. Fresh accounts, 2-3 hours botting, 100% supervised.

And yet the HB fanbois will say there is no detection of anything at all. There is some detection, even if it is not the program itself, but the profile patterns used.

i leveled 1-60, struggled 61-75, grinded to 85, than ran questing profile. helped it twice and am about to dig 90.
Alot of people will say "I leveled this and that" but the question has to be asked: When. Let's say they started detecting Kick's profiles 3 days ago. Well if you did it weeks ago, of course you would be fine, but if you tried now, you might get nailed.

The recent rise in bans aren't coincidental, there is something to them, just need to figure out what.
I appealed on 2 and they returned all 4, they were all in the same bnet account forgot to mention that
Alot of people will say "I leveled this and that" but the question has to be asked: When. Let's say they started detecting Kick's profiles 3 days ago. Well if you did it weeks ago, of course you would be fine, but if you tried now, you might get nailed.

The recent rise in bans aren't coincidental, there is something to them, just need to figure out what.

Im just about to level to 90, hour or less, so yes last few days. been running mop quests.
In cases like this I would really like to know where they banned at the same time and are they on the same ip / computer and where they running at the same time / same stage of lvling (don't want to come across as a 'fan boi' but would help in cases like this to determine if its because of the bot or if blizz blacklist your ip / mac)

(Sorry new at botting and after stalking the forums for a few weeks still interested in any info that can help me stay under the radar)
And again, Kicks questing profiles. Fresh accounts, 2-3 hours botting, 100% supervised.

And yet the HB fanbois will say there is no detection of anything at all. There is some detection, even if it is not the program itself, but the profile patterns used.

Please stop spouting off your nonsense. There is no detection as if there was there would be HUNDREDS of ban posts. The rubbish posts like yours have been around since the days of yore when Glider was up and running. You will know when a bot is detected as there will be a MASSIVE banwave of thousands and thousands of players.
Please stop spouting off your nonsense. There is no detection as if there was there would be HUNDREDS of ban posts. The rubbish posts like yours have been around since the days of yore when Glider was up and running. You will know when a bot is detected as there will be a MASSIVE banwave of thousands and thousands of players.

Incorrect. Massive Ban Waves ensue when there is without a shadow of a doubt that people are using it by some flag they detected in the code. Pirox Archy ban wave was the last one, before that was another hack on ownedcore *cant remember name*, and Luaninja before that. Then there was wowmimic, and glider, and isxwarden way back in the day.

There may not be a bot detection, but you can bet your ass with the people using Kicks, 100% supervised and are banned within a couple of hours that they are detecting something. Quest order? Skipping the same quests? Same waypoint pathing? Something.
Incorrect. Massive Ban Waves ensue when there is without a shadow of a doubt that people are using it by some flag they detected in the code. Pirox Archy ban wave was the last one, before that was another hack on ownedcore *cant remember name*, and Luaninja before that. Then there was wowmimic, and glider, and isxwarden way back in the day.

There may not be a bot detection, but you can bet your ass with the people using Kicks, 100% supervised and are banned within a couple of hours that they are detecting something. Quest order? Skipping the same quests? Same waypoint pathing? Something.

I've been using Kick's unsupervised for over 13 hours now on 3 accounts simultaneously and no ban. Nothing is up.
go outside and excercise. Why does it matter that you got banned, is it because your a Chinese Gold Farmer? EVEN CHINESE GOLD FARMERS DONT BOT THEY HAND FARM AND GET PAID LOW WAGES!! LMFAOO
I received a perma ban today for 3 accounts, all of which had just started to use kick's profiles in the last few days.. Coincidence?

I did however manage to get the accounts reopened after submitting a ticket :) Probably wont level using kicks anymore, may try cava's profiles. Has anyone had tried these before?
I received a perma ban today for 3 accounts, all of which had just started to use kick's profiles in the last few days.. Coincidence?

I did however manage to get the accounts reopened after submitting a ticket :) Probably wont level using kicks anymore, may try cava's profiles. Has anyone had tried these before?

Used Cava's on many chars, works like a charm. Never used kicks cause of the bugs and shizzle wich is not updated!
Please stop spouting off your nonsense. There is no detection as if there was there would be HUNDREDS of ban posts. The rubbish posts like yours have been around since the days of yore when Glider was up and running. You will know when a bot is detected as there will be a MASSIVE banwave of thousands and thousands of players.

Just cause the bot is not detected, does not mean that its bahaviours or patterns are not scripted and detected.

if you still think, after so many ban reports of people doing close to nothign being banned nothing is detected, your clearly stupid.