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Yeah , lot's of people having problems lately ... i think it's just to much hours per day spent with the bot , people got comfortable with using the bot too much and it's obvious that blizzard did something to detect the people that use it 8+ hours per day , all you can do really is just keep it under 4-5 hours per day if your worried about your account .
It might involve the number of hours botted, but not necessarily. I have observed numerous obstacles placed in the paths that are normally used by the buddy bot in various zones. For example, the bot likes to take the long way around certain obstacles, and that path is often blocked nowadays by unnecessary objects. In my opinion, these obstacles have been created intentionally to obstruct the pathing of honorbuddy. I have found such obstructions in starting zones, in dungeons, in battlegrounds, and numerous other places. In some cases it is a branch that has been added to a tree to obstruct a path that Honorbuddy has consistently used to fly into a zone. In some cases it is a holiday decoration to obstruct a path used by Honorbuddy. In some cases it is a large group of mobs that any sensible player would walk around. Perhaps these obstructions have triggers on them to flag a character for further observation by a GM.