Hi, Linnoel,
Anyone is free to report posts that break forum rules. And, the mods only take action with a ban or mute (or most of the time, just a warning) if the post has indeed broken the forum rules. If poster receives an infraction, the poster alone has earned it.
The mods strive VERY hard to apply the rules to everyone in an even-handed fashion. We've even been known to issue penalties to our Community Developers when forum rules are broken. Needless to say, this creates friction for people we greatly appreciate. But, the rules DO apply to everyone.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and most posts stand even if the opinion is sheer idiocy, outright bad information, or we simply don't agree with it. There are limits to this of course. For example, if bad information will harm our Community, we'll either correct it, or remove it--depending on the situation. Another example where we'll remove posts is baseless fear-mongering.
Please be very careful with your baseless and mis-informed accusations. We would argue that such activities are the actual cancer in the Community.
To wit, calling out another Community member is a violation of forum rules. Yet, we're letting your post stand as a teachable moment. The correct way to handle the situation is to report posts that actually violate forum rules (not that you don't agree with). Please do not break the rules again.