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31 Oct 14 - 5 "accounts" banned


Aug 22, 2014
Just went and picked my kids up from school and came back home to:

"This account was closed because one or more characters were identified exchanging, or contributing to the exchange of, in-game property (items or gold) for "real-world" currency. This exchange process negatively impacts the World of Warcraft game environment by detracting from the value of the in-game economy."

on five accounts all on the same b.net account.

1)Using Honorbuddy

2)version 753

3) Was running unsupervised when ban occured

4) DungeonBuddy (random), with the five always partied together.

5) Default CR

6) No plugins

7) 4-8hr a day, 5 days of seven with breaks during "normal" peoples playtime

8) 60-80% supervised

9) one account might have put 2-4 stacks of something up on AH, two accounts purchased mats for professions

10) no other bots or mods

11) This account did not sell any gold nor did it send gold or mats to players other than themselves, they did deposit to a guild bank and withdraw but not that anyone else in the guild could use (ie. no "exchange of goods" other that between the banned accounts)

12)US servers

13) Paid accounts

Extra details:
All in all these did not make enough gold to flag that way so my guess would be that they actually got each other flagged for investigation by transferring lots of items through the guild bank legitimately (eg. blacksmith items to enchanter etc.)

Maybe in future for my next test I will record all my afk stuff so I can see if anything happens before the ban (ie. gm chat, moving to other locs etc.).

Before anyone starts on the "you should have" comments don't bother I am posting what happened because it did not because I'm surprised that it happened. If anyone wants any further details on what I was up to or anything else post away and I will let you know what I can.
same here man
i knew this day was coming since everyone started talking about it
add this method to the methods that are now extinct and useless thanks to the idiots who kept saying 'i dont get banned ahhaha'
How old were they accounts?
How long did you bot like a "human" - ever botted 24/7 or always like explained above?
- Most important question, how did you gear them up, and how long ago was it ?
Recently, alot of massive Dungeon farmers got hit with the Abuse of Economy reason, which means only one - since they already know you bot on 5 accounts together, you are treaten hardly than the usual 3rd party autobans.

And Im pretty sure, the bans are not related to the guildbanks at all, or the gold flow but simply to the dungeon botting itself.
The accounts were all fresh still within their initial one month free.
They never botted 24/7 but they did do only dungeons from 15-90 and tbh I actually put more hours onto legit characters.
They were geared from the dungeons they ran.

Because they are all in the same party and likely to get caught and banned at the same time so why wouldn't I save myself time by only creating one throw away b.net account at a time.
In my case I won't be bothering trying to get the accounts back, this time around it works out to slightly cheaper than buying gold so meh whatever.
Yeah but it has effect if you ever try getting your accounts back :)
Not quite true.
I own multiple 8xwow licenses bnet accounts, and most of them have targeted bans on these licenses, "proved" for goldselling / botting, including 2x Abuse of Economy rocksolid bans on my main battlenet, which actually happend when Blizz found I do bot from 4x licenses, but banned only those, who were linked to the goldselling guildbank only. Even after they told me, they know I bot on the other 2x licenses (GB2 farming), they had not even touched them, but only these related to the goldselling.
And thats after 1 year of appeals, and dealing with multiple senior GMs.

So no matter howmany licences you got on your battle net. Blizzard have their "inner company rules" and it seems, they do not shut down all your licenses, just because they "proved" your botting/goldselling on some of them.

The useful answer for nimblefingers here must be the following:

Because he was botting on all 5x from single computer system, prolly the same wow client, they linked them together and flagged them at once as group of goldfarming licenses, so shutted them down at once too.

In my case I won't be bothering trying to get the accounts back, this time around it works out to slightly cheaper than buying gold so meh whatever.

I guess, even after you had the chance to appeal them successfully, you would get them banned shortly enough after their 72h suspension pass, but if you do bench them w/o prior appeal, you can try it later in WOD, after a few months, and they will have clear record then, so you can jump in the deep with them asap.

I already did that on several GB2 bots, on some they lifted the perma ban right away, on other they activated 72h suspension, on one even gifted me 10days of gametime :D
Not quite true.
I own multiple 8xwow licenses bnet accounts, and most of them have targeted bans on these licenses, "proved" for goldselling / botting, including 2x Abuse of Economy rocksolid bans on my main battlenet, which actually happend when Blizz found I do bot from 4x licenses, but banned only those, who were linked to the goldselling guildbank only. Even after they told me, they know I bot on the other 2x licenses (GB2 farming), they had not even touched them, but only these related to the goldselling.
And thats after 1 year of appeals, and dealing with multiple senior GMs.

So no matter howmany licences you got on your battle net. Blizzard have their "inner company rules" and it seems, they do not shut down all your licenses, just because they "proved" your botting/goldselling on some of them.

The useful answer for nimblefingers here must be the following:

Because he was botting on all 5x from single computer system, prolly the same wow client, they linked them together and flagged them at once as group of goldfarming licenses, so shutted them down at once too.

I guess, even after you had the chance to appeal them successfully, you would get them banned shortly enough after their 72h suspension pass, but if you do bench them w/o prior appeal, you can try it later in WOD, after a few months, and they will have clear record then, so you can jump in the deep with them asap.

I already did that on several GB2 bots, on some they lifted the perma ban right away, on other they activated 72h suspension, on one even gifted me 10days of gametime :D

W/E. Your one instance encounter makes it a rule.