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3 accounts banned


Mar 16, 2012
5 accounts banned

I am botter and I am doing this longer than I am registered here. And I am doing this every single day, every day for more than 3 years. Every fcking signle day and I like what I am doing!
I was running 6 accounts in this 12 hrs shift. I have two shift in 24 hrs day, every 12 hrs. On same PC, on four windows, and my 3 VM accounts is still running... But on host machine and windows I was running 3 acc I got banned, same ip adress. They was doing different things, different botbase... Ok, we are botters, we are getting banned. But I got banned on same IP and beside that I still have 3 other accounts on V P N running in same time, on same machine! I am watching them right now! Think about that and IP bans!

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Just checked... From second shift on same host but different IP (I am reseting IP on every 12 hours) another 2 banned. On fourth and fifth VM is ok.
Basicly I got 5 bans on same machine on two IP. 3 on one ip and two on other ip. Same machine.
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archeology,questing,grinding,gathering,dungeon like I am doing for years. That is not point. Point is that I got banned on same machine on 2 IP in same time (host machine, VMs are safe). 3 of them was online and 2 other on different IP (I am chanign IP every 12 hrs shif). Because of that I belive in theory about WOW client ID based on harware ID (Hdd ID or MAC ID).

1)Were you using Honorbuddy, Gatherbuddy or both on the account? yes

2)Which version (and Beta or Release)?: release

3)If so, when was the last time?: when I banned and for other 2 acc 10 hours before

4)What profile were you using?: ZOOMs private profiles

5)What combat class were you using? if None Just put Default then the Classname: singular

6)What plugins are you using?: basic

7)How many hours per day did you bot for?: 12 hrs

8)What honest percentage of time did you supervise your bot? 0% (I know my profiles, tested them on several accounts for couple days)

9)How many auctions per day did you have?: 0

10)Did you Use Any Other Bots, Hacks, or Mods? nope

11)Was your account involved in gold selling? ofc it is I can't see point to run HB without making profit

12)EU or US realm? EU

13)Is the banned account a Scroll of Resurrection or an actual paid account? paid MOP 90 lvl acc
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Still, Strandza, the major point is, what kind of stuff the banned was doing, because there is huge difference if they were running GB2, PP, Dungeonbuddy, or AHBotting/Shuffling for example!
They was doing different things. Those 3 in group : one is grinding, one is gathering one is PP. Other 2 was PP. Like I sayed it doesn't matter what they was doing. Point isd that they banned me on machine, nott even IP. On other VMs I was safe. They banned me just host machine
Yea, interesting result, it seems they auto-link botting accounts per Wow installation w/o IP, which seems something new :/

I guess all received auto-ban, and your shuffling/bank/ah(bot) accounts are safe or?
I don't have shuffelers or AH bots. For that I have alts on same acc- alchemy only in last few months. Like you sayed WOW installation was detected. I truley belive that every WOW client have ID that we can't see and it is based on hardware. We all know about IP bans, but this ban is something new for me and only because of that I am talking about this.
Yea, and I got another interesting question for you here!

The Virtual machine bots, which I guess are still up, do they share the same WoW install, or use own dedicated installation?
Same, before 1 year. But I was update them separate from then.

I have same WOW install on 20 machines. I am updating same install since cata.

Nope bro, it is not WOW install, I belive that every WOW client generate own ID if you copy on other machine, doesnt matter when and version. That is another part because I am worried. I still don't know from where to start. I mean I know but I don't wanna failed because stupid reason. Most of day I am thinking about that, how they connect accounts on same machine and different IPs.