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2 major bugs: combat and loot bugs


New Member
Feb 6, 2012
1) loot bug: dead mobs cannot be looted. We usually see a gold bag when mousing over a lootable corpse. When this bug occurs the bag looks dark and we are unable to loot the corpse. HB debug spams blacklisting message. This bug is fixed by relogging.

2) combat bug: usually occurs when there are a pack of mobs that aggro or place a debuff on your character, but the character does not kill all of them and remains stuck in combat. Can also occur when u attack mobs that npcs are attacking. This sometimes makes the bot just sit there and not move through hotspots.

I'm sure everyone has ran into these issues at least once before. I see they are mentioned in posts but there is no specific post to address them. Does anyone have an efficient workaround for these two issues? I realize that this really ins't an HB issue, but a software issue that exists within the game. Nevertheless, there should be some workarounds i hope?

Frequent automatic relogs would somewhat fix 1, but is there an easy way to detect if the bug is occurring?
We could implement something that checks # of available bags slots at time1 and time2 (a minute interval for example). If the amounts are identical, then force a relog. However, item plugins such as itemremover, mailing, or selling would lead to false positives.

Now the combat bug... If there is a way to force combat with mobs that are tapped or force the bot to kill mobs even if a character is in the combat bugged state? I would be able to make some very good profiles if this issue can be addressed.
If the character is combat bugged and just sitting in the same spot it would be possible to implement an if condition that checks for movement or if it's killed anything. If met, then a few lines of hardcoded /target enemy /cast etc.... might do the trick to get things rolling again.

Any ideas? I'll be testing mine
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For the loot bug,don't use any Hb plugins that have to do with your invertory/looting system.that bug pops when a user use such kind of plugins.also you can report it on the specific plugin release thread

As for the combat issue now,we must check your logs
For the loot bug,don't use any Hb plugins that have to do with your invertory/looting system.that bug pops when a user use such kind of plugins.also you can report it on the specific plugin release thread

As for the combat issue now,we must check your logs

HB isn't the reason why the loot bugs. At least I don't think it is.
I got the exact same problem while manually leveling my rogue yesterday. Same problem as I reported in this thread: http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/support-issues/51017-cant-loot-log-included.html
yes but using Hb with plugins that have to do with invertory/looting can make this WoW bug pop more often
The looting bug is actually a bug in WoW. For some reason there's an issue once in a while with syncing the loot state between the client and server. This has been a bug since Vanilla. One that Blizzard seems to not care about fixing. There's unfortunately, nothing we can do about it, short of sending the packet manually, which is a huge no-no in terms of security.