Would it be good to have 2 farmers on a map? 1 for pure mining and 1 for pure herbing?
Lets say Twilight Highlands, have 1 farmer just collect elementium ores and another farmer just collect twilight jasmine?
Would it be good to have 2 farmers on a map? 1 for pure mining and 1 for pure herbing?
Lets say Twilight Highlands, have 1 farmer just collect elementium ores and another farmer just collect twilight jasmine?
That shud b fine as long as both prices r stableWould it be good to have 2 farmers on a map? 1 for pure mining and 1 for pure herbing?
Lets say Twilight Highlands, have 1 farmer just collect elementium ores and another farmer just collect twilight jasmine?
if your looking to get better objects per hour on each item then yes, you will collect faster as long as you have good profiles that you are running. I have done this in the past but I also have 5 accts now where i can be in each zone, so i'm constantly collecting and then one acct doing all the processing to turn mats into flasks, gems, and chanting mats!!!