#1 Apexis Crystal farming. Location Outside of the ring of blood killing the red lvl 100 elites and non elite ogres. Also they drop a-lot of 665 epics i have gotten 3. Vendor and mailbox (Neutral very close)
Ally Herbs
@ Kadgars Garrison mail repairs small and populated with mobs
Horde Herbs
@ Outside main Talador town ( Cant recall name) near all the spore folks. Dont recall was just overhearing it on mumble.
Ally Mine
Horde Mine
#1 Apexis Crystal farming. Location Outside of the ring of blood killing the red lvl 100 elites and non elite ogres. Also they drop a-lot of 665 epics i have gotten 3. Vendor and mailbox (Neutral very close)
Ally Herbs
@ Kadgars Garrison mail repairs small and populated with mobs
Horde Herbs
@ Outside main Talador town ( Cant recall name) near all the spore folks. Dont recall was just overhearing it on mumble.
Ally Mine
Horde Mine