Ok, Ive been seeing a few threads similar to this and i have a couple of observations/questions/advice whatever.
1. If you are going to get an extra wow account to use for botting why would a person put it on their same bnet account as their legit account? Why not just set up another bnet account to put the other wow account on....bnet accounts are free...so are new email addresses.
2. If you set up a second bnet account for botting why on earth would you put it in the same name/address/phone/email etc?
3. If you plan on using a trial to test a bot why would you put that on your main bnet account? Make a new email, new bnet acct.
I have 5 wow accounts, on 5 different bnet accounts, using 5 different names, addresses, emails etc. And I for sure use game cards on each one instead of putting my credit card on all of them.
It takes like 5 minutes to set up a new email and battle.net account. Probably takes longer just to come up with a new name and address lol