Not sure if this is just a coincidence, but I have 4 accounts. One is my main and acts as a shuffler of sort so it's pretty much safe other than the occasional spirit of harmony botting. The second account is an AHbuddy type account that uses the Salesman Full bot, it seems to be safe so far but I won't be surprised if it gets banned. Anyways, my other 2 accounts are both gatherers and I'm not sure if this is a coincidence but I just bought the multiprofile app from BotHaven YESTERDAY (previously was using SmartMoP) and oddly enough 1 day after using that (I was putting them in different zones along with profile reversal) it got banned. I'm wondering if this is a possible banwave and if so if anybody else got hit, or is this just me getting banned? If I was the only one banned I'm just wondering if it was because of the recent multiprofile app I bought. Also, this is my first time ever getting banned as I'm a recent HB botter (started like 2 weeks ago) so is there anyway to appeal these?