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14 Accounts Perma Banned! WTF!?


New Member
Jul 29, 2014
I've had a total of 14 accounts banned, 2 of which were free starter editions, and another 2 were gift accounts from blizzard. The other 10 were fresh paid accounts. Whenever a ban happens, every single account that is online gets banned. They can be doing different things, on different profiles, and in different areas, doesn't matter, they all get banned at the same time.

Steps I've taken, then started over with fresh accounts and still got banned:
I've released, renewed, and flushed dns. I've changed my ip address several times. I've even got on a v.p.n. and changed my ip accross country before I created the account and still got banned.

Blizzard is either targeting Honorbuddy hard, or they have some hard lock on my ip, I don't know how since I've changed it so many times. Or Honorbuddy has given blizzard my Honorbuddy ID's and information and blizzard is tracking me that way. I don't know what's going on, but it is complete bullshit that I can't even get past lvl 15 on a questing profile, solo.

I know these bans are not caused by players right clicking me and reporting, because I don't get the auto 72 hour suspension. I get a CLOSED perma ban every time it happens.

I would like to request for a refund on two, three account life time accounts please. Seeing how I no longer can use Honorbuddy with WoW and I feel that having to buy a new computer to try and work around this is completely unnecessary. Thank you.
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Good luck with that xD the product you paid for is still working as it did when you first bought it, nothings changed, bans happen sadly.... Its not HB fault in particular, you just went at it too much I guess.
Pff, bad luck my ass! How can I only go an hour or two on a fresh account and on a different ip address and get banned every fucking time. Regardless if I wait a few days or a week to try again.
I've had a total of 14 accounts banned, 2 of which were free starter editions, and another 2 were gift accounts from blizzard. The other 10 were fresh paid accounts. Whenever a ban happens, every single account that is online gets banned. They can be doing different things, on different profiles, and in different areas, doesn't matter, they all get banned at the same time.

Steps I've taken, then started over with fresh accounts and still got banned:
I've released, renewed, and flushed dns. I've changed my ip address several times. I've even got on a v.p.n. and changed my ip accross country before I created the account and still got banned.

Blizzard is either targeting Honorbuddy hard, or they have some hard lock on my ip, I don't know how since I've changed it so many times. Or Honorbuddy has given blizzard my Honorbuddy ID's and information and blizzard is tracking me that way. I don't know what's going on, but it is complete bullshit that I can't even get past lvl 15 on a questing profile, solo.

I know these bans are not caused by players right clicking me and reporting, because I don't get the auto 72 hour suspension. I get a CLOSED perma ban every time it happens.

I would like to request for a refund on two, three account life time accounts please. Seeing how I no longer can use Honorbuddy with WoW and I feel that having to buy a new computer to try and work around this is completely unnecessary. Thank you.

Im sorry pal, but Honorbuddy team is not responsible for your bad luck, followed by (I hope temporary) complete lack of common sense!

First of all, since years Blizzard link your accounts not by anything non-related to Blizzard itself, like your local IP address, mac address etc. They simply do it inside the client. For those players around, who are here since Diablo 2 etc, they know, Blizzard have been implementing your unique account ID in the game installation, once you install the game!

Currently, they use several registry ID keys in their dedicated name space in Windows registry to uniquely identify you game client and link all the game accounts, logged from it!

So once they have this, its peace of cake for them to track down and ban all the accounts, logged from this wow installation in the last several months, at least once, or even the fresh accounts, logged for the first time just now!

From now on, I am sure you can secure your computer, so Blizzard will loose track of your accounts further, Good luck!
I knew that these kind of threads will come because people did not read or ignore our recommendation NOT to bot atm. as long as we know more about latest warden changes:

So you got banned, maybe detected. There is always a risk that this happens if you bot. Atm. we informed you that the risk is even higher due to a warden change.
You ignored this and botted and got banned. Like imtakinusrs said "BAD LUCK"
@OP: Sorry for your loss. Maybe you would like to consider your accounts can be linked in a gazillion ways when they share the same pc, beyond your IP.
Honestly, no matter what some people pretends, no one really knows how they identify offending accounts,it's all guesses, some more educated than others. But if you choose to try again, there are many threads in this forum that could help you trying to bot safer. You gotta invest some time reading, it will probably be really helpful to you.
Also, better to stay away from ***'s.Only advanced users should even consider them. Even the slightest mistake (on your part or the provider's) will flag ALL YOUR ACCOUNTS. This could easily be the reason they track all the accounts together in this case!

@BotOperator: I apprecciate your clarity, but I've seen you give this advise a couple times now. Yet, when I read the thread you linked, I do not read Hawker saying DO NOT BOT, I read him saying IT COULD BE RISKY. That's a hell of a diference in my opinion! Maybe you could enlighten us further, It could perfectly be a reading comprehension problem on me.
Since i've bought HB i've botted 3 accounts to 11 85s purely using dungeonbuddy (2 at a time so 2/5, always healer/whatever), my main has 11 90's 85-90 using questing/grinding/whatever I want to do, all under 5 days /played except the one i chat on. 4 more raf'd to main with the same name and payment (cc) (over time, 1 bot at a time for free game time and gold income) just farming (have their own guild, 1 toon from main in the guild), connected random times, nothing too serious, I use tethering from my mobile so it's a completely public IP, each day it's randomised and the lack of solid connection helps with legitmate looking breaks.

I have separate clients on separate drives for main ssd/botters storage drive. I've submitted multiple tickets from my main in regards to my bots being stuck, game time not coming on from raf, whatever.

Only a few times it stays on all night for 6 hrs, most of the time it dc's at some point (randomly).

I do not even know how to play wow, not even joking, I just have fun on AH and HB does the rest.

MORE: I think it has more to do with a break of pattern, since this I started from this configuration, i've not changed the way I do things.

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Well they really didnt say dont bot atm and its always a risk to bot but if Bossland GmbH even thought it was detected why even keep it up?
Well they really didnt say dont bot atm and its always a risk to bot but if Bossland GmbH even thought it was detected why even keep it up?

Sure, it may not be as safe, but you also have to realize that being dumb about is never a good thing. Just because it's available to bot still, doesnt mean you should push it 24x7 and expect to not be banned in a hurry.
So are we safe from warden right now? Is the bot detected?

dumb question when the answer is in this thread

On July 22, Blizzard pushed a change to WoW's version of their anti cheat system, Warden. This is the first change that concerns us in over 3 years. The risks associated with botting have risen and it will be at least 30 days before we can report on the changes.

If this increased risk makes you uncomfortable, now would be the time to stop botting. We are re-opening our auth servers right now.

In the wise words of Sergeant Esterhaus, "Lets be careful out there." Happy botting.
As far as has been stated, there is no new detection for honorbuddy, warden hasn't pushed a module that targets honorbuddy at this moment. Could it happen? Sure. These bans aren't from bot detections, they're from account flags and player reports.
dumb question when the answer is in this thread

On July 22, Blizzard pushed a change to WoW's version of their anti cheat system, Warden. This is the first change that concerns us in over 3 years. The risks associated with botting have risen and it will be at least 30 days before we can report on the changes.

If this increased risk makes you uncomfortable, now would be the time to stop botting. We are re-opening our auth servers right now.

In the wise words of Sergeant Esterhaus, "Lets be careful out there." Happy botting.

Before you call me dumb, they also state that they will disable HB and GB when detected, so the mix of information has gotten me confused, since i see alot of bans recently in the ban thread.
So the conclusion would be to not bot, because it's not 100% safe right now?
That's entirely your decision. Theres as much risk as there was before...just with a tiny bit of uncertainty mixed in. If you don't care if your account gets banned, bot away....same as you wouldve been told prior to tripwire activation. If you don't want to risk losing your account either stop botting or get a second account to bot with. No one but yourself can make the call as to whether the risk and uncertainty is worth it. It wasn't a big deal to me personally....but I could see someone who would hate ti lose an account not taking the risk...chances are they wouldnt be botting on that account anyway. Its been stated since glider times, don't bot on an account you're not prepared to lose.
Pointless thread....Since the Tripwire event, I have continued to bot. So far I have botted 2 chars to 90 and botted 1 of those to full Grevious gear in BGs. The bot is not at fault for you choosing to use it. Overlooking the fact that they have said don't use it, you should also be familiar with their disclaimer that BOTTING IN WOW IS AGAINST THE TOS AND YOU CAN AND WILL GET BANNED SO USE AT YOUR OWN RISK! Suck it up and stop acting like Bossland did you wrong and keep botting or try playing the freaking game by hand.
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i have the same problem i just activate 5 trials accounts to see if i could get to 15 then i would have bought battlechest but i even got banned in the trial account lol im not going to do anything that has automate in it anymore just normal raiding pve and pvp and just let hte bot cast spells
I lost my botting account today as well :-( Been with HB from the start and first time i have been banned and i only really bot for like a few hours on the weekend while I'm playing but i knew the risk from the start :-(

I will still hang around not sure if i can be bothered to start it up again and i will not use it on my main for sure but with the OP saying about if 2 accounts are running they all get banned must be wrong as i always gather on me botting while playing me main so i can watch it as well and my main is fine

Thanks for the good times HB