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14 Accounts banned. Yolo.


Mar 20, 2014
Hi guys, quick share:

1)Were you using Honorbuddy, Gatherbuddy or both on the account?
None of those

2)Which version (and Beta or Release)?:

3)If so, when was the last time?:

4)What profile were you using?:
Public Grimbatol + Gundrak

5)What combat class were you using? if None Just put Default then the Classname:
Singular - Deathknight + Druid

6)What plugins are you using?:

7)How many hours per day did you bot for?:
Each Bot 6hours per day for around 5 days before they got banned. I didnt even bot 6hrs in a row. It was 2x3hrs. First session in the morning, 2nd in the evening.

8)What honest percentage of time did you supervise your bot?
maybe 10% of the time

9)How many auctions per day did you have?:
Only my dungeonfarmers. AH-Bots are on a different account and did NOT got banned

10)Did you Use Any Other Bots, Hacks, or Mods?

11)Was your account involved in gold selling?

12)EU or US realm?

13)Is the banned account a Scroll of Resurrection or an actual paid account?
12x 4Euro Cata + 2x 4Euro Cata + MoP
Sorry for your loss... that's a tough hit to take. I thought I remembered you posting stuff about selling, though... is it possible there was some sort of connection?
Loss isnt that hard to take. Just 1-2days until I have them all back up again. And overall I made some small profit through them.

None of the accounts were involved in gold selling. The selling accounts aswell as my AHBots are still up (Even on same Bnet).
The far bigger thing is, that I tried to make new accounts this morning. I made the new account, paid via paypal and went to sleep so when I am awake, I can link this account to four other. (Leveling). What happened: I woke up, went to my computer and saw that blizzard rejected the paypal payment. Well, I am not sure what exactly they blacklisted and where I have to make changes, so I made a new account right away to figure out where the problem is. No solution yet, payment is in progress since 15hrs (normally it takes around 8) . Best situation would be paypal just having some problems on their site and now the payment gets through. Worst case would be, that they blacklisted my HWID and I need to change it. Lets see.

Man, this business keeps sending me tough problems to solve every day: Honorbuddy errors, profile errors, profile bugs (even though I didnt touch them at all), Arelog/HBRelog errors from one day to the other, accounts banned even botting quite safe etc. Gotta get my good profit out of it and get into a new market asap. This is just too much work for a half-legal income.
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What happened: I woke up, went to my computer and saw that blizzard rejected the paypal payment. Well, I am not sure what exactly they blacklisted and where I have to make changes, so I made a new account right away to figure out where the problem is. Best situation is that paypal just had some problems on their site and now the payment gets through. Worst case would be, that I need to change my HWID.
Are you trying to make the payment while connected to a V.P.N?
Nope. In that case, paypal would just freeze my account I guess.
Nope, Blizz would reject the payment. I had to actually call them when I first started botting because I couldn't pay for a sub on my second account due to rejected payments. Turned out that Blizz flagged my account b/c of the V.P.N. and they whitelisted it (told them the V.P.N. was mandatory at home for work). That's why I asked :)

Anyone who has experience with IP bans might be able to answer this, though... hopefully someone comes across it.
Nope, Blizz would reject the payment. I had to actually call them when I first started botting because I couldn't pay for a sub on my second account due to rejected payments. Turned out that Blizz flagged my account b/c of the V.P.N. and they whitelisted it (told them the V.P.N. was mandatory at home for work). That's why I asked :)

Anyone who has experience with IP bans might be able to answer this, though... hopefully someone comes across it.

Thats really interesting to hear. In the internet I read, that blizz wouldnt do IP bans. But its like in the Honorbuddy-Forum: 98% is pure bullshit from people who have no idea what the fck is going on.
I dont even have a *** here. I tried to use Firefox through a *****, but it didnt even connect to the paypal site.

If the payment gets rejected again, I will try to solve it with another paypal account. Maybe they just blacklisted the account (Well, kind of alot of payments coming from that into different Bnet accounts). Worse worse, I will just make the payments through a friends computer or I figure out a way to change all the details (IPs etc) so I am basiclly a new person for their system. No big deal. Its just really annoying.
Yep, I hear you. This is actually the one thing that's keeping me from having more than two or three accounts. I really don't want to have to face something like this if it ever came to that.

Keep us posted, though. I'm curious to see what happens.
I will keep you up2date. I dont think its really that big of a problem. Getting honorbuddy running properly on my virus-plantation (=my old computer) was probably 20times harder. Maybe I will call blizzard, but I need some good story to come up with in order to clarify around 40x 4Euro paypments in that short period of time. :p

Edit: Actually it went like this:

I got a disconnect, Arelog tried to relog on my accounts. What I found was, that all the passwords got changed by someone else on all the battle.net accounts with bots on. Also, the bots got banned for using 3rd party software. Hm, I will try to appeal. Not big chances but one account might come up again.
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Blizzard has issues with people using paypal at the moment. No idea whether thats why I couldnt make new accounts. I tried to make the payments with my normal credit card, everything worked fine. Probably just a paypal ban.

Blizzard has issues with people using paypal at the moment. No idea whether thats why I couldnt make new accounts. I tried to make the payments with my normal credit card, everything worked fine. Probably just a paypal ban.
Cool beans, glad to see you're running again!

Made 2 new accounts, everything worked fine. I tried to RAF new accounts, payment through credit card not accepted. So the first 2 accounts still work. The last 3 are closed again. Gonna call blizzard tomorrow and ask what the hell is wrong. If it is too hard to fix, I probably resell my botting machine and go into another business. This is just aids.
Ridiculous >.>

One hell of a headache for sure. What about game time cards? I'm not sure if they'd fix the issue but it might be worth a try... or use time cards instead of PayPal or credit cards?
Mine were 5x 4,50GBP battle chest accounts and they were all banned at the exact same time while not even being online. (about an hour ago)
Lasted for only 1 night of dungeon farm after being leveled to 85. The accounts were also paid with paypal.
Previous accounts existed for about a week of farming.
No idea what could have happened.

p.s. Lol first post :p
Likely auto bans. Please don't hijack threads in the future... Fill out a ban report form if you like.
Oh oops, sorry, I thought it might be of use for people to know that the OP wasn't the only one with this problem.
Making mine as we speak :)