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11/11 permaban AGAIN [21 / month]


Community Developer
Mar 28, 2014
Near 2 weaks ago, got banned 10/11 accounts.
All banned at same time at 10:01-10:02
1)Were you using Honorbuddy, Gatherbuddy or both on the account?
5 ACCs 90lvl/2chars/1acc (9days lvling and gearing, 2days farm Dungeons)
5 ACCs 80-85lvl/2chars/1acc (2days lvling)

2)Which version (and Beta or Release)?:

3)If so, when was the last time?:

4)What profile were you using?:
Lost City of Tal'avir Dungeon farm + Dungeon lvling

5)What combat class were you using? if None Just put Default then the Classname:

6)What plugins are you using?:
my own DungeonAntiStuck + GoldTracker + logmeout

7)How many hours per day did you bot for?:
12/24/7 (mean 12 hour per character and 24 per account, couse i have 2 chars per 1 account)

8)What honest percentage of time did you supervise your bot?

9)How many auctions per day did you have?:

10)Did you Use Any Other Bots, Hacks, or Mods?

11)Was your account involved in gold selling?

12)EU or US realm?

13)Is the banned account a Scroll of Resurrection or an actual paid account?
NO 30free prepaid days
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same, got hit on like 10 earlier today. and i know some other people who got hit, so it was a pretty big banwave.
Yea it was one_of_those_days today. Probably biggest hit i ever seen. Lost hell of a shit number accounts.
Good shit i knew its coming and managed to dump most gold to china businessmans day before hoho. Guess i figured my leak already, so those accounts they kindly left me to play with today are gonners soon anyway.
On a good side - finally they start cleaning it seems. Appealing is probably worthless, like at all ;D usually they are in bad mood at these kind of days ;D
I'm new with botting but I noticed that the the Blizzard ban not for the bot itself but for the damage you cause to the wow's economy.
I think that 5 bots running 24/7 a dungeon makes an huge impact into the economy, you have 10x more items/gold/auction than any other "nonbotters" do.
Also the gap between the achievement you have and what you get from the game (gold, items, time played) is too big.
I can spot a bot just for his armory....you can't have 1,2k achievement points and be a full 550 pvp gear,2,2k rating, without a secondary spec and topping also the guild contributor ladder(real char found in the armory)...
It takes 20 secs to me to spot one, 30 secs for see the logs of the dungeon/arena and Boom, I get your 10 accounts.
Tbh keep the bots splitted is the safest way you have...less profits but safer..
not really, its all random+automatized. one of my bots that survived has close to 1 000 000 gold obtained(from vendor) and it survived. like 7 months running 24/7 now. where's the logic in this? he was doing exactly the same as most other bots. reports are a factor to consider also, btw, but clearly there was a banwave yday.

and who cares what the mail says, botting or economy abuse, a ban is a ban and its just the details.
if you have achievments, you have less chanse for ban, couse before i have 11 accs botting, and only 1 have good achieves and he stay unbanned. but he does some thing as 10 another bots... at same IP...
now i get 11 bans, 5 of it was 90lvls and 5 was 80-85 lvling+1acc was 10lvl... before i never got ban while leveling, and it's sayd for me "banned by IP" couse 5 and another 6 was on different servers, ban banned at 1 minute all.
No ***** here , but still i sold gold...and alot. But im quite sure it was player report , and was NOT FROM BOTING. Im quite sure it was someone on AH , because if we think for like 2 minutes we realise who is boting and who is not just by checking AH. In my case i was covering some markets ,

Glorious , vanguard , bloodlust sets ( 2 of each when they droped ) , lv 80-85 blues from my 8 bots farming 24/7 on pandaria , and ALOTTTTTTTTTTTT of hides posted everyday , 2-3 stacks of 20 and 40-50 of one . On gbank like 300 stacks of hides. You just need ONE report from someone that you undercuted or something or someone that noticed that you got too much items and stuff , its quite easy. Still i used those for long long time and made alot of profit , dont really care i wont even open ticket . The " problem " of doing 100-150k everyday is you need to get rid of the gold . And you just need to make one mistake and everything is gone.
No ***** here , but still i sold gold...and alot. But im quite sure it was player report , and was NOT FROM BOTING. Im quite sure it was someone on AH , because if we think for like 2 minutes we realise who is boting and who is not just by checking AH. In my case i was covering some markets ,

Glorious , vanguard , bloodlust sets ( 2 of each when they droped ) , lv 80-85 blues from my 8 bots farming 24/7 on pandaria , and ALOTTTTTTTTTTTT of hides posted everyday , 2-3 stacks of 20 and 40-50 of one . On gbank like 300 stacks of hides. You just need ONE report from someone that you undercuted or something or someone that noticed that you got too much items and stuff , its quite easy. Still i used those for long long time and made alot of profit , dont really care i wont even open ticket . The " problem " of doing 100-150k everyday is you need to get rid of the gold . And you just need to make one mistake and everything is gone.

As I said before, if this is its case, he broke the economy and after investigation blizzard marked you as a 100 % botter.
But with 20 auction you can't piss off many players.
I just think that you used the bot for its 100%, farming and grinding like hell...was a matter of time.
I'm new with botting but I noticed that the the Blizzard ban not for the bot itself but for the damage you cause to the wow's economy.
I think that 5 bots running 24/7 a dungeon makes an huge impact into the economy, you have 10x more items/gold/auction than any other "nonbotters" do.
Also the gap between the achievement you have and what you get from the game (gold, items, time played) is too big.
I can spot a bot just for his armory....you can't have 1,2k achievement points and be a full 550 pvp gear,2,2k rating, without a secondary spec and topping also the guild contributor ladder(real char found in the armory)...
It takes 20 secs to me to spot one, 30 secs for see the logs of the dungeon/arena and Boom, I get your 10 accounts.
Tbh keep the bots splitted is the safest way you have...less profits but safer..

If you're new...don't analyze things you don't understand :) It's quite obvious that its super easy to spot a bot sifting through his achievement logs and armory. But are you 100% sure or just 98%? Those 2% you can afford but blizzard can't.

ps. Every verb in the english dictionary is not a regular verb. Might want to read this wiki page: Regular and irregular verbs - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Ohhh sorry 4 u :( can you give me some more infos?

Do you sell on ah ?

24/7, US, one char per account, yesterday sell about 350k to usually Chinnese and blizzard got me :) (ban is for Abuse of the Economy) I think maybe buyer get flag account or maybe is really "big" amount for one trade (Guild bank, 20k max per withdraw), No AH.