kicks profiles dont run low lvl...
alliance , all but flawless.
horde, stops on lvl 6 now undead. gg
i've noticed this. have levelled 10 horde toons with kick's guide, (i start to loathe the vanilla areas after a while)
the issue you're dealing with, is 1 of 3 things:
1. 1-5 is handled by each race, and then it drops you off in Durotar.
for panda/worgen/goblin zones which kick you out at lvl 12, there's no drama.
But the 5-12 profile is... broken for undead. i think also a few other races, it might have changed, so try it out.
the reason is simple.
the 7-12 profile, not having done previous quests in Durotar before, has trouble loading on low level characters.
you have to start this quest manually, fly to the troll area, pick up this quest, complete it, and then start 5-12 again. it's the northwatch alliance "metal gear solid stealth"'ing, underneath medical crates.
Breaking the Chain - Quest - World of Warcraft
manually, using zygor's or wow-pro guides if poor, unwashed, without hope or fear... is also an option to level up characters too.
12-20, also tends to be relentlessly stupid, it will run back and forth from the orgrimmar flight point to the orgrimmar inn, then walk out the front door of Orgrimmar, through the tunnel, then take a shortcut to the left of the PvP area. it's wierd, insanely noticeable, to the point that people have started following me (while mounted up) as soon as i take the jink to the left as soon as i walk out the Orgrimmar tunnel, all the way to the next zone. it walks all the way from the Orgrimmar inn, to the crossroads, twice, a 12 minute walk. both times. using the hearth might be a safer option (not sure if that's a behavior that got left behind.)
(a possible alternative is the innkeeper near the valley of spirits in "troll town", using the side exit to Durotar/north barrens.) shorter walk out and linear path outside.
if you're getting stuck on flight points, you need to delete the .cqc cache files every 5 levels due to the auto-learning of flight points that happens when you level up,
the bot doesn't re-learn the flight points and gets stuck.
i hope those issues have been fixed, but...
if problems persist, use search before posting.