Hey. I see alot of Diary's that get discontinued but, I'm hoping to see this through till the end. I will update as much as my real life lets me, I will also include pictures. I'm leveling Alliance due to herilooms being on that server/faction.
Server specs - PvE(RP) Server
Race/Class/Spec - Human Warlock Demonology
CC (Custom Class) - http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/classes/warlock/12168-prince-darkness-default-cc.html
Leveling Profile - http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/tested-profiles/leveling-profiles/leveling-profiles-1-60/leveling-profiles-1-60-alliance/23279-%5B-quest%5D-human-1-58-%5Bkick%5D.html
Auto Equip 2
Kicks Profile Plugins
Anti Drown
Apoc Refreshment
Heirlooms - Shoulder/Chest/Staff/Cloak
Guild - None
Did a fresh install to ensure best results.
Using ARelog due to DC/Error issues.
Literally about to press Start now. Wish me luck, and I'll keep you updated.
Server specs - PvE(RP) Server
Race/Class/Spec - Human Warlock Demonology
CC (Custom Class) - http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/classes/warlock/12168-prince-darkness-default-cc.html
Leveling Profile - http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/tested-profiles/leveling-profiles/leveling-profiles-1-60/leveling-profiles-1-60-alliance/23279-%5B-quest%5D-human-1-58-%5Bkick%5D.html
Auto Equip 2
Kicks Profile Plugins
Anti Drown
Apoc Refreshment
Heirlooms - Shoulder/Chest/Staff/Cloak
Guild - None
Did a fresh install to ensure best results.
Using ARelog due to DC/Error issues.
Literally about to press Start now. Wish me luck, and I'll keep you updated.
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